---------------------------------------------------------- Heavy Elven Armor ---------------------------------------------------------- Adds Heavy Elven Armor to the Drunken Huntsman in Whiterun, where it is sold by Elrindir. This new armor can be improved with refined moonstone. The Elven Smithing perk will allow you to improve it more, but the player cannot craft this armor. The stats (weight, value, and armor) match those of Dwarven armor. Visual differences: Like Jahga's retex, the armor looks cleaner and gleams more, and has scale mail in some of the places where the original has scale. However, the scale has been changed to be darker and more golden, the cloth of the belt has been darkened, and the cloth between the legs has been changed to plate. The helm and shield are unchanged. ---------------------------------------------------------- Credits ---------------------------------------------------------- The texture used in this mod is based off of the gorgeous work by Jahga/Kraxxuz: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/10756 The work of editing the textures and all other work to create the mod was done by Deandra aka Merilia.