Bows Draw Faster v2.0 by tg08096, latest version 3/05/15 3/05/13 - These gloves are now disenchantable, due to popular demand. I would like to thank Milruka for his awesome demonstrative video, and for PMing me to update this. Check out the video here to see the gloves in action: Adds the gloves "Hands of Kinzhalka" to the game, which increase the speed at which arrows are drawn. These gloves are available for sale exclusively from The Castle Fletcher in Solitude. Don't forget to endorse if you enjoy, and thank you. If you want the benefits of the gloves without having to wear them, then you can use the console to add the perk directly to your character. Press ~ to open the console Type: Help Kinzhalka 0 [enter] The one that says PERK: (xx000D68), this number is the one you want Type: player.addperk xx000D68 [enter] The xx stands for the two first numbers, which will be different for every player.