Name: Better Chopping Block by BeyondTom Version: 1.0 Date: 08/18/2012 Category: Models and Textures Author: BeyondTom Description =========== Improved Chopping Block. Details ======= I decided to start a new game and the execution scene at the beginning reminded me that the chopping block looked pretty bad so I finally decided to put together a passable texture for it. It still isn't perfect but at least now it isn't such an eyesore. I used wood textures from Bethesda’s official texture pack to improve it. There are still a few UV problems which carried over into the new texture but I don't much feel like fixing them. Install ======= 1. Extract the files to a temporary location. 2. Examine the folder structure and make corrections where necessary. 3. Copy files to (install folder)\Skyrim\Data\ Uninstall ========= Simply remove the following files: Data\textures\clutter\choppingblock\ Data\textures\clutter\choppingblock\ Incompatibility =============== There should be no incompatibility with other mods. History ======= 1.0, 08/18/2012 - Initial release. Contact ======= Feel free to send me a message through the forums. Credits ======= Thanks to Bethesda for creating Skyrim and its textures. Thanks to for such a great site Thanks to LHammonds for the Readme Generator. Tools Used ========== GIMP - Readme Generator - 7-Zip - Licensing/Legal =============== Notify me before you use my textures.