This mod add a complete light armor and weapons set. All the set have dragonscale stat. and craftable at forge under dragon item, weapon under steel. You can enchant or improve all armor and weapons. Unfortunatly, there's no Helmet and Hooded helmet for Khajiit and Argonian so those are replaced by basic hoods. __________________________________________________________________________ ITEMS LIST : Boots Gauntlets Cuirass Helmet Hood Leather Hood tissu + 3 Variant : Forest, Land, Snow Capes + 3 Variant : Forest, Land, Snow Helmet with hood + 3 Variant : Forest, Land, Snow Dagger acting as a Shield Sword Dagger Reversed Dagger Bow /Requires Elen Smthing Arrows __________________________________________________________________________ EvilDeadAsh34 made an optionnal file for Scout Arrow and i thanks him really for that :) this mod moves your characters quivers closer to their bodies so they are no longer floating in mid-air. And it's great ! You can download it here : Closer Quivers and Longer Arrows by EvilDeadAsh34 __________________________________________________________________________ Kevkas made an optionnal file for Scout Arrow. Thanks to him ! I know that it was not without troubles :) this mod add several tweaks on arrows : FASTER ARROWS - PROGRESSIVE DAMAGE - RECOVER ARROWS - LOOT ARROWS - MERCHANTS ARROWS You can download it here : Arrows Tweaks by Kevkas __________________________________________________________________________ I would like to thx : doodaboom For making this armor in the first place which can be found at