Virile ENB v1.0 Readme Introduction: Virile is the best way to describe this Enb preset. Powerful, realistic, and gorgeous. A great attention to small things, like lighting and bloom which rival games such as BF3, and many more, make this ENB among the best. I hope you enjoy the preset as much as I did! ______________________________________________________________________________ Installation: Open the "rar" file you downloaded, copy or highlight the files in the "v1.0 file", and copy them to (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim). After you have done that, open the "Data" folder, and move the "light123" file to the Data file. ___________________________________________________________________________________ Troubleshooting: There have not been any problems so far, but if you have any please relay them to me in the chat. I normally don't use NMM, I would recomennd installing manually (instructions up top).