Get yoursef a REAL Caravan!! :-D Combine SRM Companion Cart with Dragonkiller Cart and Better Horses and you're good to go ;-) How to do this? Follow me: 1. Install all 3 mods MANUALLY (that's what I did anyway). 2. Set load order: srmcompanioncart.esp xgfPferdeKarren-en.esp It_better_horses.esp 3. By the Companion Cart. 4. Set your horse to follow with the Better Horses command. (see mod specs) 5. Make a harness for the Dragonkiller Cart and tether your horse to it. (see mod specs) 6. Get on the Companion Cart and start driving. Now your horse vill follow nicely behind pulling the Dragon Cart just like in the picture I added :-) Oh, no other horse effecting mods than More Saddels and Horses for Followers installed. And NO fast travel. Recommeded to add lines below in Skyrim.ini for better Cart behaviour: [Cart] fWheelAngDamp=0.0100 fMass=300.0000 fFriction=100.0000 fGravMult=7.0000 fTipImpule=10000.0 I hope this might work with UFO aswell. I haven't used it so far and I know it effects horses but you never know.. Pointer; With Better Horses you Sneak then E-klick for horse inventory and that works fine with this combo, BUT the horse inventory via Dragonkiller Cart is another 'separate' inventory and it is there you put the harness (and saddels/horsearmour who work nicely too) that comes with the Dragonkiller Cart mod. Enjoy! I just loved it when I got this little caravan working :-D