This mod aims at Improving the Distance terrain With Details MOST OF THE THINGS THAT THIS MOD DOES Are - 1* It Improves the Default Textures 512*512 to 2048*2048 2* It will add more detail to distance terrain 3* Type 1 Will provide you a GRASS like effect at Distance 4* As told by some users it also reduces the Flickering By a bit (I WRITTEN THIS AS BASED ON SOME COMMENTS) 5* This mod gives minimal FPS Drops Somes users Even told that the Mod increases their FPS by 5 or 7(Based on comments) 6* Probably the mod will Make the SKYRIM more Beautiful. 7* Their will be a bit Shrimming at the distance...But now I am working on that only I hope that will be fixed Soon. ((Even ,their is a bit shrimming in the "Enhanced distant terrain" mod also,So obviously It will be a hard work.)) ANY PROBLEM THEN DISCUSS IT IN THE COMMENT. **************************{FEEL FREE TO GIVE SUGGESTION FOR THE FEEDBACK}**************************************