Matera Race mod V1.5.5 For the most Up to Date information Please Refer to the Description page on the nexus site Thanks for Downloading. May the Shadow Force be with you! +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Special Thanks: My Husband - For being so understanding in me taking time off from life to bring you the Matera :) IDEA CREDITS: Xindaris - Paw Pad Muffle V1.3Beta (Released) argusmercs - Fur color changes with Skintone V1.3Beta (Released), Keen Hearing V1.4(Released) xXNICKCOOPXx - No Fur Edition (Released), Matera's Determination V1.4(Released) dython - Alternate Fur Variety V1.3(Released) Ganoran - Matera body Claws V1.4(Released) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOT DAWNGAURD TESTED.....YET! (I have it, don't worry!) Requires: Skyrim (ofcourse) Update.esm RacialCompatibility.esm (Provided) I DID NOT add any hair, eyes, anything, so it's basically basic. purposefully done. Please look at the additional credits below for links to hair, eyes, etc. Default is Breton Race. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well here it is, not much of a talker / writer but chances are you may not read this :) Anyways.....Here it is. My Fox Race in living breathing on your screen action. Blah blah, generic stuff, you know. Anyways hope anyone trying it out likes it. Please comment. This mod is obviously not lore friendly, but if you cared you would not have downloaded it. If your the kind that wants lore.... The Matera are a long lived ancient race that not till now decided to grace themselves to the denizens of Skyrim. After all...they do love their dark. A new form of lycanthropy blazed about in the dark caverns way below the Skyrim lands, even further than the Blackreach. Here is where the Matera came to be, as it so happens the Matera were not always foxes. They were Actually a mutanized form of Khajiit till the Lycanthropy genes spliced them into change, as they practiced around with magical remedies to cure them of the disease. Slowly they began to turn into the current known Matera and slowly they have attempted to come out of thier hiding places below. ........Not EXACTLY entirely lore friendly but meh. Hope it helps. ========================================================================= Race: Matera (duh, that's what the mod says) Straight from the creation kit MaTera's are notorious for their ability to stalk in the dark. They prefer to keep to the silent shadows. While preferring to stick to thievery and notorious antics it is not uncommon to find a few MaTeras that tend to prefer the magical life over the shadows...very few. Just drag/drop the folder labeled Data..... Installation: (Default) C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim Also can be: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\skyrim If asked to overwrite it should be OK. I used the most current version of everything (racial compatibility and all that jazz) Just hit yes to all. or wherever your Install folder is....your on your own there if it's custom.... Uninstall: Go to your Skyrim install folder you went to above skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\MaTera [*DELETE MaTera Folder] skyrim\Data\textures\actors\character\MaTera [*DELETE MaTera Folder] skyrim\Data\Scripts [*DELETE Materaracecontroller.pex] skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source [*DELETE Materaracecontroller.psc] skyrim\Data [*DELETE Matera.esp] IF NO OTHER MOD USES IT! skyrim\Data [*DELETE RaceCompatibility.esm] skyrim\Data\Scripts [*DELETE companionshousekeepingscript.pex] skyrim\Data\Scripts [*DELETE GenericRaceController.pex] skyrim\Data\Scripts [*DELETE PlayerVampireQuestScript.pex] skyrim\Data\Scripts [*DELETE PlayerWerewolfChangeScript.pex] skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source [*DELETE CompanionsHousekeepingScript.psc] skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source [*DELETE GenericRaceController.psc] skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source [*DELETE PlayerVampireQuestScript.psc] skyrim\Data\Scripts\Source [*DELETE PlayerWerewolfChangeScript.psc] _____________________________________________________________________________________ Racials: - Sharpened Nails (Ability) - Sharpened Nails does 20 points of damage. - Matera's Night Eye (Spell - Toggle with z button / voice) V1.4 makes this with no duration. At level 15 you can detect friendly life force. At level 35 you can detect enemy life force. - Matera Paw Pad Muffle (entwined with Shadow Stalk v1.4) - With no Boots/Shoes your footsteps are muffled. With no boots/shoes AND Sneaking you get a plus 35 to Sneak. With no Boots/Shoes/ Sneaking AND Shadows, you get a cool FX and plus 45 to Sneak. Enjoy the shadows my friend! (Light Level has to be 10 or below.) - Matera's Adrenal - REPLACED replaced by Matera's Paw Pad Muffle in V1.3Beta (See Screenshot - View above racial) -Matera's Determination in V1.4 - With no Armor (just clothing or naked) you get a plus 150 to total carry weight. You also get infinite Stamina till you max that extra 150 carry weight and get encumbrance. ______________________________________________________________________________________ Planned: -Update the textures, not sure how much better I can get them but I'll keep trying, it is my first mod after all. -Regular updates of problems as I or a fellow player come across them. Again be nice, it is my very first mod and frankly, go be mean somewhere else :). I won't listen. You can be mad, just don't be rude is all I ask. Yes, they ARE different. Credits: -Caliente - CBBE Female body - - CherryHotaling - The Jiggly (You know it) � (Currently not implemented)- will be optional -PsychoMachina - For the meshes (because their awesome) Tail + Ears + the texture basis - -dscythegeo - For the Elin Race - Tail + Ears + the texture basis -kenokun - For his face warpaints -Chris57 - For the male body To all the respect of any authors I may have missed. Let me know please! :) Much Appreciate. If you recognize anything I might of missed please inform me! If I forgot you, it wasn't on purpose. Anxiety tends to get in the way of some things. ========================================================================= Note: I am not opposed to the idea but I use CBBE. If anyone else wants to use a different body type, let me know and I will see what I can do. I'm up for challenges. I just ask one favor, don't be dissapointed if I can't, Or they are bad at first. I want to help as many as possible within my limits cause I have life duties as well. Also I used the male body mentioned above. It is strictly in it's own folders so it should NOT overwrite any other mods. Any Constructive Complaints or Comments: Message charismoon @ Nexus ---- All other complaints I will ignore, so do not be surprised.... Known Issues: Triangle on the hip � annoying little bugger isn't it? (Female) No special vampire eyes or....anything (more Tweaking!) Tail Normal needs redone (Satisfied for now) Male Tail Floats out a bit from body (has a mind of it's own I tell you!) Tail seems to have a mind again - when dismounting horse (Postponed) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Credits: - Bethesda - For Skyrim and making your virtual self come true -Expired - Creating a Playable Race - The right way - tutorial - Love it! -Caliente - CBBE Female body - - CherryHotaling - The Jiggly (You know it) � (Currently not implemented)- Optional -PsychoMachina - For the meshes - Tail + Ears + the texture basis Adult ads in site - Only reason I won't list link -dscythegeo - For the Elin Race - Tail + Ears + the texture basis Adult ads in site - Only reason I won't list link -kenokun - For his face warpaints -Chris57 - For the male body Optionals: -Sexy Tan and Shine for CBBE Body by Desufire - -DIMONIZED UNP female body by dimon99 - If I missed anyone please message me - I have anxiety so it kind of gets in the way sometimes. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Useful Mods: Optimizer Textures by AdPipino - - Basically it can resize ALL the textures for Skyrim + mods. Works very well if your like me and have a semi - dying graphics card that hates high textures (which is why I don't do them in MaTera). If anyone else wants to make a high resolution version. Be my geust :)