Name: Blackjack Version: 1.2 Date: 3/5/2013 Author(s): Darkwind Media Source: Description =========== This new weapon can be used against enemies to incapacitate them for a short while. The victim will be unconscious allowing you to continue your mission. Details ======= The weapon will only work properly when you are attacking someone who has not detected you. If they have seen you the weapon will nearly no damage. Once you've struck the enemy they will crumple to the ground unconscious for up to an hour of in-game time. Knocked out victims can be interacted with. You can loot them, drag them, and even wake them up. When they wake up, either from you or naturally they will be suspicious and if they see you holding the Blackjack they will assume you were the one who attacked them. Other people in the area who notice the unconscious person will also become suspicious. You shouldn't let yourself be seen standing over the enemy with the Blackjack in hand, and you also shouldn't allow yourself to be seen looting an unconscious person. Install ======= - Nexus Mod Manager (Recommended): This is fully compatible with the mod manager. Just download with it and install. - Manual: unzip into the Skyrim Data folder Uninstall ========= If installed manually you need to delete the Blackjack.esp file from the Data folder and the Data\Textures\weapons\blackjack and Data\Meshes\weapons\blackjack folders. History ======= 1.3 - Revamped the mod from the ground up to fix bugs, make reaction AI better, and allow better interactions with knocked out enemies 1.2 - Fixed some broken interactions with knocked out enemies 1.1 - Lots of missing scripts really prevented this from working correctly 1.0 - Initial release Credits ======= Developer: Brian Johnstone Weapon Model: Evan Doody Licensing/Legal =============== You can do whatever you want with this mod but all I ask in return is that you give me credit if you distribute any part of this mod.