You recieve a spell tome when you first install the mod. USE IT BEFORE YOU LOSE IT! Any time you pray at any wayshrine of the Nine Divines, your spawn point will move to that one. If you have any Dragon Souls, you can use the "Dragon Break" spell to consume a soul and set your spawn point to wherever you're standing at the time. You will lose everything except quest items whenever you die. You must go back to where you died and activate the pillar of light to get all your stuff back. If you die again before you're able to get back to your stuff then it's all gone, man. It's game over! However, if you happen to be wearing an Amulet of Arkay at the moment of your death, you won't lose any items. The amulet will sacrifice itself to bring you to safety. If you manage to die without ever having visited a wayshrine of the Nine then you'll end up at the very top of the Throat of the World, stumbling naked and confused out of the rip in time and probably into a blizzard. Should something truly disastrous happen, type "coc oblivion" to access the hidden cell used for behind-the-scenes stuff. One of the chests in there will contain everything you've ever lost by dying, in case of emergencies such as losing a scripted item that another mod requires in order to function properly. Don't use this to cheat and get all your lost items back or else I'll be severely disappointed in you. This cell also contains an extra Dragon Break spell tome in case you weren't granted one when you installed the mod (or you were given one but you failed to use it before you lose it), as well as a button that gives you an Amulet of Arkay for testing purposes. If you go in there, please don't mess with Mr. Bones. UNINSTALLING: I think there's just a button or lever for it in the oblivion cell now. I honestly don't remember