O Starry Night Kilobyte clandestinesuit@gmail.com === What it does: Changes your default vanilla sky to a more dense, star packed sky suitable for Skyrim. It's a higher resolution texture than default, standing at 2048pixels compared to the previous 512pixels if you didn't have the hi-res texture pack installed. Keep an eye out for updates. === Installation: NMM: 1. Download using NMM. 2. Activate O Starry Night. 3. Select what you'd like to install. Manual 1. Download O Starry Night.zip 2. Open the compressed file and unpack skystars.dds into your Data\Textures\Sky folder. 3. If you want the Galaxy and constellation texture replacements, unpack them into the same folder as well. === Uninstall NMM: Deactivate the mod. Manual: Delete skystars.dds. Delete skyrimgalaxy.dds if you used it. Delete both constellation01.dds and constellation02.dds if you used them. === Have you ever camped in the mountains at night, far away from any city, where the air was clear and pristine? You could see thousands of stars on a cloudless night, even hints of the Milky Way. These days, you're lucky if you get to see Ursa Major. As a child, I grew up on a mountain in an real life environment very similar to Falkreath, and I have always been dismayed at the default star textures. Skyrim is a mountainous, clear, and fresh land, and not fouled up by the light pollution we have these days. This retexture is an attempt to remedy what I thought was a cruel oversight by the texture artists. There were way too few stars in the sky and not of sufficient diversity. I wanted something that suited the cold, clear environment of Skyrim better. Hence, here is the result. It was an interesting experience, as I had to teach myself to paint starfields while at the same time trying to navigate around Photoshop's clunky brush system (to me, it's very clunky compared to what I'm used to, and it took me far too long to find out where the fill bucket was.) It's taken me days to perfect this texture: repeated tests, edits, and getting friends to give some feedback. Anyway, enjoy, and remember- KEEP LOOKING UP! === Changelog: 5-03-2013: 0.9b version Cleaned and refined some stars that were showing up differently under certain conditions. Added Star Clusters + Galaxy texture. Added Brighter Constellations texture. 4-29-2013: Initial release.