Justin's Riften Retexture 2048 V3.0 Thank you for downloading my file as I do enjoy modding. If you notice any problems please let me know and I will see what I can do to fix. It is ok to upload my file to another website as long as I am given credit as the author as it is a lot of work. If you'd like to add one of my files into another mod send me a message and let me know. Again I would like to get credit as the Author. Install: Drop the BFA, BSL, and ESP file into the Data folder and make sure to go into Data when you start the game to make sure the mod is selected as Active. Now you can toggle the mod on and off and not have a mess to fiddle with deleting my file. Games/Steamapps/common/skyrim/Data Uninstall: Games/Steamapps/common/skyrim/Data Justins Riften Retexture 3 0 BFA Justins Riften Retexture 3 0.BSL Justins Riften Retexture 3 0.ESP Enjoy!