Skyrim Borders Disabled ------------------------------------ Author: nhskill Version: 1.0 Requirements: Skyrim ------------------------------------ This mod just disables the borders of Skyrim (in every version) and every DLC. Its a modder ressource and a mod at the same time. The player can use it to cross borders and modder can use this plugin for their mods. ------------------------------------ What did I do? I just created an .esm that loads an .ini file with the entry "bBorderRegionsEnabled=0". What means that for you? - No tweak or overwright of your skyrim.ini - A maximum of compatibility - This mod does not need translation ------------------------------------ Install: 1. Paste the files to following path or just install with your mod-manager(.../Steam/SteamApps/common/skyrim/Data) 2. Enable the file in Skyrim-Launcher or mod-manager Uninstall: 1. Save ingame 2. Delete files from your Data-folder or uninstall with mod-manager 3. Save ingame ------------------------------------ Known bugs and issues: No known issues jet ------------------------------------ Compatibility: Not compatible with any other mod that changes the borders of Skyrim. ------------------------------------ Changelog: - 1.0 (08.05.2013) = Release ------------------------------------ Credits: Thanks to: -Bethesda for TES V: Skyrim, the CK and the CK Wiki -the Users of the Scharesoft-Forum and the Ei-der-Zeit for their Tutorials and Help ------------------------------------ Weiterverwendung: It is not allowed to change or upload this mod without my permission. An upload to the Steam-Workshop is not allowed. If you want to use my plugin for your own mod, a permission is not needed. But credit me, please. ------------------------------------ Contakt: nhskill ------------------------------------ Have fun with this plugin nhskill