Hello! This is my personal txt file that I use when adding in voices, keeping track of them, and any notes I need to keep concerning this mod. I'll update this when I remeber to, mostly this is here for refference for other moders should they want to attempt something similar or bug test for a confict. ================================================= MULT FOLLOWER MODS: ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= TESTED FOLLOWER MODS: UFO | FollowLimit: Yes | Bugs: Noo | CleanDis: yes | AFT | FollowLimit: Yes | Bugs: Noo | CleanDis: yes | EFF | FollowLimit: Yes | Bugs: Noo | CleanDis: yes | SF | FollowLimit: Yes | Bugs: Noo | CleanDis: Yes | EFF NEEDS patch for scripts and SNEAK package bug: -------------------------------------------------------- favorgeneric FOLLOW ME I NEED YOUR HELP. (AGREE) |EDITS| Vanilla: TIF_000D8DDF EFF: EXP_TIF__000D8DDF DialogueFollowerExtended FollowerExtension "Extended Followers" [QUST:030048C9] -------------------------------------------------------- EFF VERSION 4 EFFDialogue.esp ---------------- Using MaleArgonian EFF for patch --------------------------------- "It's time for us to part ways" "I'll be Heading home, then, if you need me" Script = EFF_TIF__000D8DD2 DismissedFOllowerFaction = DialogueFollowerExtended DismissedFOllowerFaction FACT = FollowerExtension "Extended Followers" [QUST:03000EFF] pDialogueFollwer = DismissedFollowerFaction DialogueFollower = DismissedFollowerFaction [FACT:0005C84C] "Follow me." (Will need to add property) "I will walk alongside you" Script = EFF_TIF__000D8DB1 PropertyName = DialogueFollowerExtended Type = Object Unknown = 1 Unknown = 0 Alias = -1 Form ID = FollowerExtension "Extended Followers" [QUST:04000EFF] "Wait here." (Will need to add property) "I'll keep watch from here" Script = EFF_TIF__000D8E1A PropertyName = DialogueFollowerExtended Type = Object Unknown = 1 Unknown = 0 Alias = -1 FormID = FollowerExtension "Extended Followers" [QUST:04000EFF] "Follow me. I need your help." "We are in this together yes?" Script = EFF_TIF__000D8DE0 pDialogueFollower = DialogueFollowerExtended DlalogueFollower QUST = FollowerExtension "Extended Followers" [QUST:04000EFF] ----------------------- TIF__000D8DDF (pDialogueFollower as DialogueFollowerScript).SetFollower(akspeaker) TesEdit to that TIF CK make sure pdialoguefollower is there, autofill script properties TESEDIT to EFF script. DONE! -------------------------------------------------------- ================================================= NOTES TO SELF: ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= + before starting BACKUP Scripts folder + Remember DefaultNPCVoicTypes FormList (voicetype must be in there) + Find HIRELING IDLE scripts and save to new mod build + TESVEdit new dialogue scripts (3) to vanilla TIF__ scripts + COPY/BACKUP esp, also backup build version + ESMify one esp as Vanilla follower count + Open esp, edit favor generic conditions for multi version + ESMify multi version + Open EFF patch, make dirty edits to new dialogue, save + TESVEdit EFF patch with new dialogue ++ Replace original Scripts folder when done ------------------------------------------------- favorgeneric "FOLLOW ME I NEED YOUR HELP." conditions: agree= FollowerCount <= 9999 disagree= playerfollower count == 100 _______________________________________ ALL OF THEM NEED TO BE DONE. EVERY TIME _______________________________________ ------------------------------------------------- Concerning Hearthfire - Adopted children should, when following, have alternate dialouge "Yes papa" "yes mama" - make it happen eventually. ================================================= ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: BUG REPORT: ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: ADD ALL CURRENT VOICES TO THE VoicesFollowerAll form!!! ================================================= TIF__ SCRIPTS: ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= ------------------------------------------------- FAVORGENERIC ------------------------------------------------- FOLLOW ME I NEED YOUR HELP. AGREE 000D8DDF (malekhajiit) FOR EFF: EXP_TIF__000D8DDF DISSAGREE n/a ------------------------------------------------- DIALOGUEFOLLOWER SCRIPTS ------------------------------------------------- "No. Never Mind." (Yes. Let me show you.) 000FECF6 “I need you to do something.” 000d8dc3 “It’s time for us to part ways.” 000D8DD1 “Follow me.” 000D8DB0 “I need to trade some things with you.” 000D8DBE “Wait here.” 000D8E19 ------------------------------------------------- HIRELING IDLES SCRIPTS - MUST PACKAGE ------------------------------------------------- 020022FF 02002300 02002301 02002302 02002303 02002304 02002305 02002306 02002307 0200286E 0200286F 02002870 02002871 02002872 02002873 02002874 02002875 02002876 02002877 02002878 02002879 0200287A 0200287B 02005EAA 02005EAB 02005EAD 02005EAE 0200698C 0200698D 0200698E 02006F0E 02006F0F 02006F10 MaleSoldier: 0200aa7a 0200aa7c 0200aa7d 0200AA7E 0200aa80 0200aa81 0200aa82 MaleElfHaughty: 0200CB08 0200CB09 0200CB0A MaleGuard: 0200D5E2 0200D5E3 0200D5E4 0200D5E5 0200D5E6 MaleBandit: 0200E0CC 0200E0CD 0200E0CE 0200E0CF 0200E0D0 0200E0D1 MaleForsworn: 0200E0D2 0200E0D3 0200E0D4 0200E0D5 FemaleElfHaughty: 0200E65F 0200e660 0200E661 0200E662 0200E663 0200E664 0200e665 0200e666 0200E667 0200E668 MaleCommoner: 0200e669 0200E66A 0200E66B 0200E66C 0200E66D 0200E66E 0200E66F FemaleCommoner: 0200EBF9 0200EBFA 0200EBFB 0200EBFC 0200EBFD 0200EBFE 0200EBFF MaleNordCommander: 0200EC00 0200EC01 0200EC02 0200EC03 0200EC04 0200EC05 ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= MORE FOLLOWER VOICES MOD ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= DialogueFavorGeneric Quest “Follow me. I need your help.” DialogueFollower Quest “It’s time for us to part ways.” “I need you to do something.” and related dialogues “Follow me.” “I need to trade some things with you.” “Wait here.” ------------------------------------------------- DialogueFavorGeneric: ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= FollowBranchTopic: Follow me. I need your help. ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. FemaleKhajiit: Not now. FemaleArgonian: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. FemaleArgonian: Not now. MaleChild: Yay! MaleChild: Not my problem. FemaleChild: Yay! FemaleChild: Not my Problem. FemaleNord: I'm right behind you. (02008f63) FemaleNord: You already appear to have someone with you. n/a MaleSoldier: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. MaleSoldier: Aw, quit your bellyaching. MaleElfHaughty: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. MaleElfHaughty: Not my problem. MaleGuard: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. MaleGuard: Not my problem. MaleBandit: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. MaleBandit: Not my problem. MaleForsworn: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. MaleForsworn: Not my problem. FemaleElfHaughty: So nice to have pleasant company for a change. FemaleElfHaughty: Move along. MaleCommoner: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. MaleCommoner: Not my problem. ------------------------------------------------- DialogueFollower ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= WaitTopic: Wait here. ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: If you change your mind, you know where to find me. FemaleArgonian: Very well. I suppose I'll just curl up somewhere until this passes as usual. MaleChild: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. FemaleChild: Figures. You elders are always so boring. FemaleNord: Certianly. Be careful. MaleSoldier: It's the waiting that gets me. MaleElfHaughty: If you change your mind, you know where to find me. MaleGuard: If you change your mind, you know where to find me. MaleBandit: If you change your mind, you know where to find me. MaleForsworn: All right, then. FemaleElfHaughty: If you change your mind, you know where to find me. MaleCommoner: If you change your mind, you know where to find me. ------------------------------------------------- FollowTopic: Follow me. ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: Do you ever find that you regret making this journey? FemaleArgonian: Sure. MaleChild: Yay! FemaleChild: Please, lead on. FemaleNord: I'm ready. Let's go. MaleSoldier: Please, Carry on. MaleElfHaughty: Of course. MaleGuard: We'd better keep moving MaleBandit: Always a pleasure... MaleForsworn: Hmm hmm. FemaleElfHaughty: Ah, at last. I've been anxiously awaiting your return. MaleCommoner: Whatever you want. But let's go, now. ------------------------------------------------- TradeTopic: I need to trade some things with you. ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: How can I assist hmmm? FemaleArgonian: Well... if you say so. MaleChild: Take a look. FemaleChild: Well... if you say so. FemaleNord: No problem, I can carry a good bit of gear. MaleSoldier: Take a look. MaleElfHaughty: Just give me a moment. MaleGuard: Of course. MaleBandit: Well... if you say so. MaleForsworn: How can I argue with that? FemaleElfHaughty: Well... if you say so. MaleCommoner: Fine. Go ahead. ------------------------------------------------- FavorStateTopic: I need you to do something. ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: Yes? FemaleArgonian: Sure. MaleChild: Yes? FemaleChild: Yes? FemaleNord: Anything, as long as I get to fight. MaleSoldier: Well, all right, then. MaleGuard: Well... if you say so. MaleBandit: Yea, what of it? MaleForsworn: I understand. FemaleElfHaughty: I hope I can count on you if I ever need a favor. MaleCommoner: Yes? ------------------------------------------------- DoingFavorBlockingTopic: Yes. Let me show you. (and others) ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: Of Course FemaleKhajiit: This one needs something? FemaleKhajiit: Well... if you say so. FemaleNord: Right. FemaleNord: Did you still need me for something? FemaleNord: Very well. MaleSoldier: N/A MaleElfHaughty: N/A MaleGuard: N/A MaleBandit: N/A MaleForsworn: N/A FemaleElfHaughty: N/A MaleCommoner: N/A ------------------------------------------------- DismissTOpic: It's time for us to part ways. ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: Until next time. FemaleArgonian: Until next time. MaleChild: Until next time. FemaleChild: Stay safe. FemaleNord: Until next time. MaleSoldier: Let's go our seperate ways now, hmm? MaleElfHaughty: Until next time. MaleGuard: Safe travels MaleBandit: Until next time. MaleForsworn: Until next time. FemaleElfHaughty: Stay safe. MaleCommoner: Until next time. ------------------------------------------------- Favors Quest Tab: [Show] ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: How can I assist, hmm? FemaleArgonian: Need something? MaleChild: Need something? FemaleChild: Need something? FemaleNord: Did you need something? MaleSoldier: You need something? MaleElfHaughty: N/A MaleGuard: What do you need? MaleBandit: N/A MaleForsworn: N/A FemaleElfHaughty: N/A MaleCommoner: N/A ------------------------------------------------- Favors Quest Tab: [Agree] ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: Of course. FemaleArgonian: Of course. MaleChild: Of course. FemaleCHild: Of course. FemaleNord: No problem, I'll handle it. MaleSoldier: Of course. MaleElfHaughty: Hmph. Fine. MaleGuard: Of course. MaleBandit: I understand. MaleForsworn: Of course. FemaleElfHaughty: I understand. MaleCommoner: I understand. ------------------------------------------------- Favors Quest Tab: [Refuse] ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: Not now. FemaleArgonian: Not now. MaleChild: Nah. I don't think so. FemaleChild: Nah. I don't think so. FemaleNord: I'm sorry, that can't be done. MaleSoldier: Not now. MaleElfHaughty: I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand. MaleGuard: No! MaleBandit: Not my problem. MaleForsworn: Nah, I don't think so. FemaleElfHaughty: Bad Idea. MaleCommoner: Not my problem. ------------------------------------------------- Favors Quest Tab: [ExitFavorState] ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: N/A FemaleArgonian: Let me know if there's anything else you need. MaleChild: N/A FemaleChild: N/A FemaleNord: N/A MaleSoldier: N/A MaleElfHaughty: N/A MaleGuard: N/A MaleBandit: N/A MaleForsworn: N/A FemaleElfHaughty: Let me know if there's anything else you need. MaleCommoner: N/A ------------------------------------------------- Favors Quest Tab: [MoralRefusal] ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: You're not worth it. FemaleArgonian: You're not worth it. MaleChild: No! FemaleChild: No! FemaleNord: I'm sorry but I'm not going to do... MaleSoldier: Bah! Stop wasting my time! MaleElfHaughty: You're pushing your luck. MaleGuard: This seems like a really bad idea to me. MaleBandit: You're an idiot. MaleForsworn: Nah, I don't think so. FemaleElfHaughty: No! MaleCommoner: Not my problem. ------------------------------------------------- Misc Quest Tab:(Goodbye) ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: N/A FemaleArgonian: N/A MaleChild: I'm bored! Let's play a game! FemaleChild: Hey. You wanna play a game? FemaleNord: I'll wait here FemaleNord: All set, let's go. MaleSoldier: N/A MaleElfHaughty: N/A MaleGuard: N/A MaleBandit: N/A MaleForsworn: N/A FemaleElfHaughty: N/A MaleCommoner: N/A ------------------------------------------------- Misc Quest Tab: DialougeFollowerHellos (Hello) [Remember Random-end!] ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: The road takes us past many cold rivers. We can fill our skins there. FemaleKhajiit: We have been in this land for so long, I have forgoten what it feels like to walk on warm sand. FemaleKhajiit: The road makes this one weary. FemaleKhajiit: Hmm? FemaleKhajiit: Huh? FemaleKhajiit: Yes? FemaleArgonian: Yes? FemaleArgonian: Huh? FemaleArgonian: What should we do? FemaleArgonian: Good Honest work staves off the cold. FemaleArgonian: We will endure. We always have. MaleChild: Wow. Nice weapon! Can I hold it? I promise not to break anything. Honest! MaleChild: Yes? MaleChild: Huh? MaleChild: Someday I'm going to kill a dragon all by myself. MaleChild: Boo! Ahahahaha! MaleChild: I'm bored! Let's play a game! FemaleChild: Oh! Are you going to teach me how to turn into a mud crab? FemaleChild: Huh? FemaleChild: Yes? FemaleChild: Hmm? FemaleChild: Ain't nothin' a boy can do that I can't do better. FemaleNord: So, what's the plan? FemaleNord: I'm itching for a fight. FemaleNord: Stay sharp. FemaleNord: Keep an eye out for trouble. It's only a matter of time. FemaleNord: How are you feeling? MaleSoldier: Just point me to the fight. MaleSoldier: This is what I've trained for! MaleSoldier: Hmm.... MaleSoldier: Stay where I can see you. MaleSoldier: Everything's in order. MaleSoldier: Yes? MaleSoldier: Huh? MaleSoldier: Hmm? MaleElfHaughty: Yes? MaleElfHaughty: Huh? MaleElfHaughty: You have asked for my help. I am providing it. MaleElfHaughty: No doubt most folk in Skyrim consider the dragons terrifying. I find them... wonderous. MaleElfHaughty: Hmm? MaleGuard: Everything all right? MaleGuard: Disrespect the law, and you disrespect me. MaleGuard: What is it? MaleGuard: What do you need? MaleGuard: Everything's in order MaleGuard: What? MaleBandit: Can I help you? MaleBandit: Need something? MaleBandit: You want to talk to me? Okay. MaleBandit: Go and pick some fights. MaleBandit: Yeah, I guess I have a minute. What do you want? MaleBandit: Aedra, what a day! MaleForsworn: Can I help you? MaleForsworn: Need something? MaleForsworn: Yes? MaleForsworn: Hmm? MaleForsworn: Huh? FemaleElfHaughty: Come now. What everyone else is saying. It can't possibly be true... FemaleElfHaughty: Can I help you? FemaleElfHaughty: Need something? FemaleElfHaughty: I'm waiting. FemaleElfHaughty: Hmm? FemaleElfHaughty: Yes? FemaleElfHaughty: Humming softly to self- no subltitles displayed. MaleCommoner: Hmm? MaleCommoner: Need something? MaleCommoner: ...retire some day... get myself an island... MaleCommoner: Yes? MaleCommoner: Huh? MaleCommoner: Hmph. ------------------------------------------------- Misc Quest Tab: HirelingIdles (Idle) ------------------------------------------------- FemaleKhajiit: The wind blows bitter cold in this place. (PaleHold) It is a strange sight, the white flakes that sometimes fall from the sky. The air is so clean in Skyrim, one can see forever. Humming softly to self- no subtitles displayed I seem to have an unfortunate talent for getting myself involved in misunderstandings with the law. How high the mountians of Skyrim rise! (FalkreathHold) There is no trust for Khajiit in this place (Solitude) There is no trust for Khajiit in this place (windhelm) There is no trust for Khajiit in this place (whiterun) There is no trust for Khajiit in this place (Dawnstar) There is no trust for Khajiit in this place (Falkreath) There is no trust for Khajiit in this place (Winterhold) There is no trust for Khajiit in this place (Markarth) There is no trust for Khajiit in this place (Morthal) I feel pity for these Nords. When dragons attack cities and towns, they will lose everything.(Whiterun) I feel pity for these Nords. When dragons attack cities and towns, they will lose everything.(Rorikstead) I feel pity for these Nords. When dragons attack cities and towns, they will lose everything.(Dawnstar) I feel pity for these Nords. When dragons attack cities and towns, they will lose everything.(Morthal) I feel pity for these Nords. When dragons attack cities and towns, they will lose everything.(Riverwood) I feel pity for these Nords. When dragons attack cities and towns, they will lose everything.(DragonBridge) I feel pity for these Nords. When dragons attack cities and towns, they will lose everything.(Ivarstead) There is much beauty in this place. (Dragonsreach) There is much beauty in this place. (Eldergleam) ---------------------------------------- FemaleArgonian: Humming softly to self- no subtitles displayed Riften's biggest exports used to be fishing and honey, until the Black-Briar family moved in. Now the meadery is the biggest game in town. Skyrim isn't very friendly for Argonians, so we mostly just keep out of the way. Look, the only religion I belive in is the good old septim. Everything else is just a waste. ---------------------------------------- MaleChild: Humming softly to self- no subtitles displayed Get me mad, and I'll prank ya. And not a little. A lot. I bet you could slay one of those mean old dragons. I bet you could do anything. ---------------------------------------- FemaleChild: Kill one person, and you can solve so many problems. I wonder at the possibilities. Some day I'm going to forge my own sword! He he he. ---------------------------------------- Due to there being so many topic entrys for Mjoll/Female Nord I will be modifying a few of the entrys from Mjoll to Female Nord. This is one exception to my rule of only adding content and not modifying it. Because...come on! This lightens my workload alittle. FemaleNord: The Graybeards are... I've been to Ivarstead a few times, but never... Ah, Winterhold. I've always wanted to visit... Incredible... imagine the manpower and ingenuity... Whiterun is a such beautiful city... Vampires... an unclean lot. It will... Don't let the vampires strike you or... Be aware of rune traps on the... Kill these casters as fast as you can, otherwise... If there's one thing I'm certain of,... Ugh, Draugr. They reek of decay. I hope there's more bandits around... their... These bandits would stab each other... Perhaps we can find some treasure... These are the most dangerous, but the... Watch the walls for the sphere constructs... they... Danger's about, I can tell. Be cautious. Can you just imagine how ancient... There could be Draugr about, I can... I'm certain we'll find some treasure down here. I've really missed traveling like this. Walking... I've seen enough death to last three lifetimes,... I love the cold air... it's exhilarating. Perhaps... People say Skyrim is one of the most dangerous places... --------------------------------------- MaleSoldier: Oh... I've heard of this. These walls are supposed to show the history of the ancients who built this place. (skyhaven) I don't like the look of this place. (vampcaves) You can sell off that junk at Bits and Pieces. (solitude) I keep thinking I see something moving in the shadows... (dungeons etc) The road to whiterun's not safe these days. Lots of travelers just... disappear, south of Dragon Bridge. Can't find a trace of them. What the rebels like to forget, is that the Empire's what's keeping the Dominion out of Skyrim. Hmm.... --------------------------------------- MaleElfHaughty: Skilled, lethal and good-looking. Yep, it's a curse. We're nothing to the Daedra. Pawns to move around, praise, and punish as they see fit. This war is such nonsense. All this fuss over their false human god. --------------------------------------- MaleGuard: I thought it was finally going to be a quiet day. Just a few more hours and I can crawl under some furs... Hert keeps giving me this look. I don't know if she wants me or if she wants to eat me. Could sure you a warm bed right about now... I grew up hearing songs about Eyldi the Bear! She wrestled a storm out of the sky! --------------------------------------- MaleBandit: ...retire some day... get myself an island. ...mead, mead, mead... ...kill 'em to get some beer every now and then? ...stupid bees and their stupid honey... ...once was a woman, as fair as an evenin', of springtime in old Stros M'Kai... ...told him to just hand over the gold, but did he listen? Oh, no... they always have to fight back... ...with three beers down, the Orc did frown, and bid the Elf goodbye... ...for none could know, 'twas not for show, and someone had to die... Suddenly I don't feel like fighting. --------------------------------------- MaleForsworn: Suddenly I don't feel like fighting. Kill one of us, and three more will take their place. The Forsworn are unstoppable. I saw you do that, you know. Did you hear something? -------------------------------------- FemaleElfHaughty: They say Falion of Morthal has studied vampires, draugr and all matter of undead. Word certainly travels fast, doesn't it? I'm a woman of refined, yet simple tastes. You certianly have a strange energy about you. I look forward to following your progress. In the end, I relied on a woman's natural weapons - beauty and seduction. The rest was a formality. Though, a rather wet, messy formality... Did you see those guards? Get out of line, and you'll have them to deal with. Working the soil with your hands, seeing your seeds take root and grow, tending a herd... there is a joy in honest labor you won't find elsewhere. Not many people care, these days. The world is the worse for it. Just like anywhere else, it's all about you you know. Lucky for you, you know me. When a new government takes charge, records can be lost, taxes can be forgotten and laws aren't always enforced. -------------------------------------- MaleCommoner: Have you seen that Shrine of Azura? They say the dark elves built it after they fled from Morrowind. Sight to see. ...mead, mead, mead... ...kill 'em to get some beer every now and then? ...stupid bees and their stupid honey... ...once was a woman, as fair as an evenin', of springtime in old Stros M'Kai... C'mon, let's get something to eat. Have you given my idea any more thought? You said you'd let me know yesterday, and that obviously didn't happen. Some day, brother. Some day. It's not like my poaching is hurting anyone. The Jarl can hardly eat every deer now can he? -------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- FollowerCommentary01 Entrances to Dungeons ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= FemaleKhajiit: The roads of skyrim lead to many dangers. FemaleArgonian: I feel like I can beat anything. MaleChild: Look! Look! FemaleChild: Oh! Look over there! FemaleNord: N/A MaleSoldier: Wait until the boys hear about this. MaleElfHaughty: N/A MaleGuard: N/A MaleBandit: I know I heard something. MaleForsworn: N/A FemaleElfHaughty: I know I heard something. MaleCommoner: I know I heard something. ------------------------------------------------- FollowerCommentary02 Follower sees an impressive view ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= FemaleKhajiit: Gracious! This one is certainly unaccustomed to such sights... FemaleArgonian: I would never have belived it, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes... MaleChild: By the gods... I don't even know what to say... FemaleChild: By the gods... I don't even know what to say... FemaleNord: In all my years, I've never seen such a thing... MaleSoldier: I never would have believed it, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes... MaleElfHaughty: I never would have believed it, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes... MaleGuard: I never would have believed it, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes... MaleBandit: In all my years, I've never seen such a thing... MaleForsworn: What in the world... FemaleElfHaughty: By the gods... I don't even know what to say... MaleCommoner: In all my years, I've never seen such a thing... ------------------------------------------------- FollowerCommentary03 Danger Ahead ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= FemaleKhajiit: This is going to end horribly, I just know it. FemaleArgonian: This is insanity. We never should've come here. MaleChild: Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into. FemaleChild: Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into. FemaleNord: N/A MaleSoldier: Damn. We've got trouble. MaleElfHaughty: Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into. MaleGuard: Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into. MaleBandit: Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into. MaleForsworn: Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into. FemaleElfHaughty: Someone's going to get hurt. MaleCommoner: We've got to get out of here. ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= DefaultNPCVoiceTypes ------------------------------------------------- FemaleArgonian FemaleChild FemaleCommander FemaleCommoner FemaleCondescending FemaleCoward FemaleDarkElf FemaleElfHaughty FemaleEvenToned FemaleKhajiit FemaleNord FemaleOldGrumpy FemaleOldKindly FemaleOrc FemaleShrill FemaleSultry FemaleYoungEager MaleArgonian MaleBandit MaleBrute MaleChild MaleCondescending MaleCommander MaleCommoner MaleCommonerAccented MaleCoward MaleDarkElf MaleDrunk MaleEvenToned MaleEvenTonedAccented MaleElfHaughty MaleForsworn MaleGuard MaleKhajiit MaleNord MaleNordCommander MaleOldGrumpy MaleOldKindly MaleSlyCynical MaleSoldier MaleOrc MaleYoungEager ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= ================================================= VoicesFollowerAll (Edited in Follower Voicetypes Expanded) ------------------------------------------------- FemaleCommander FemaleCondescending FemaleDarkElf FemaleEvenToned FemaleOrc FemaleSultry FemaleYoungEager MaleArgonian MaleBrute MaleDarkElf MaleDrunk MaleEvenToned MaleEvenTonedAccented MaleKhajiit MaleNord MaleOrc MaleYoungEager EDIT: ADDED ALL VOICETYPES ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= TO BE PROCESSED I normally keep some demo dialogue here from the past as refference. ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= ------------------------------------------------- DialogueFavorGeneric: ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= FollowBranchTopic: Follow me. I need your help. ------------------------------------------------- MaleGuard: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. MaleGuard: Not my problem. FemaleCommoner: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. FemaleCommoner: Not my problem. MaleNordCommander: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. MaleNordCommander: Not my problem. ---------------------------- MaleOldGrumpy: Of course. MaleUniqueHadvar: Go ahead. I'll follow your lead and watch your back. MaleWarlock: Huh? What is it? MaleUniqueGhost: *Wailing* DLC2MaleDarkElfCynical: Whatever you say, boss. DLC2MaleDarkElfCommoner: Getting your hands dirty, Outlander? DLC2FemaleDarkElfCommoner: Come on. Let's go. DLC1MaleVampire: I never forget who my friends are...Or my enemies. DLC1FemaleVampire: I was hoping to feed. ------------------------------------------------- DialogueFollower ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= WaitTopic: Wait here. ------------------------------------------------- MaleGuard: If you change your mind, you know where to find me. FemaleCommoner: I'll be right here if you need anything else. MaleNordCommander: I'm doing as you asked. This is for some good purpose, yes? ---------------------------- MaleUniqueHadvar: Good idea. Let me know when you're ready. MaleWarlock: You cannot even conceive of the power I wield! MaleUniqueGhost: *Wailing* DLC2MaleDarkElfCynical: Go on then. DLC2MaleDarkElfCommoner: Mephala cloak you. DLC2FemaleDarkElfCommoner: Miserable, Just miserable. Oh I hate this place. DLC1MaleVampire: I was hoping to feed. DLC1FemaleVampire: Hmm. ------------------------------------------------- FollowTopic: Follow me. ------------------------------------------------- MaleGuard: We'd better keep moving FemaleCommoner: Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. MaleNordCommander: We'd better keep moving. ---------------------------- MaleUniqueHadvar: Lead the way! MaleWarlock: Suddenly, I don't feel like fighting. MaleUniqueGhost: *Wailing* DLC2MaleDarkElfCynical: Sure thing, friend. DLC2MaleDarkElfCommoner: Getting your hands dirty, Outlander? DLC2FemaleDarkElfCommoner: Come on, Let's go. DLC1MaleVampire: Huh? DLC1FemaleVampire: Hmph. ------------------------------------------------- TradeTopic: I need to trade some things with you. ------------------------------------------------- MaleBandit: Well... if you say so. FemaleCommoner: Hmmm, well don't take what you don't have to. MaleNordCommander: Well... if you say so. ---------------------------- MaleUniqueHadvar: Will do. MaleWarlock: They drink all day and night, and what do I do!? MaleUniqueGhost: *Wailing* DLC2MaleDarkElfCynical: What was it you needed? DLC2MaleDarkElfCommoner:There something you need? DLC2FemaleDarkElfCommoner: There something you need? DLC1MaleVampire: Never much cared for folks who can't mind their own buissness. DLC1FemaleVampire: Hmph. ------------------------------------------------- FavorStateTopic: I need you to do something. ------------------------------------------------- MaleBandit: Yea, what of it? FemaleCommoner: Okay. Now what? MaleNordCommander: Well? Out with it. ---------------------------- MaleUniqueHadvar: What do you need? MaleWarlock: Don't you see? I am master of the arcane! MaleUniqueGhost: *Wailing* DLC2MaleDarkElfCynical: Just let me know what needs doing. DLC2MaleDarkElfCommoner: Yes sera? DLC2FemaleDarkElfCommoner: Yes sera? DLC1MaleVampire: Hm? DLC1FemaleVampire: Leave me in peace. ------------------------------------------------- DoingFavorBlockingTopic: Yes. Let me show you. (and others) ------------------------------------------------- MaleBandit: N/A FemaleCommoner: N/A MaleNordCommander: N/A ---------------------------- MaleUniqueHadvar: Easy does it. MaleWarlock: Huh? What is it? MaleUniqueGhost: *Wailing* DLC2MaleDarkElfCynical: I owe you that much. DLC2MaleDarkElfCommoner: Sera? DLC2FemaleDarkElfCommoner: You coulda just asked. DLC1MaleVampire: Huh? DLC1FemaleVampire: Hmph. ------------------------------------------------- DismissTOpic: It's time for us to part ways. ------------------------------------------------- MaleBandit: Until next time. FemaleCommoner: Until next time. MaleNordCommander: Divines watch over you. ---------------------------- MaleUniqueHadvar: Good luck. MaleWarlock: You cannot even concieve of the power I wield! MaleUniqueGhost: *Wailing* DLC2MaleDarkElfCynical: Well then, I'm going to head back and get myself a drink. Maybe I'll see you soon. DLC2MaleDarkElfCommoner: Farewell friend. DLC2FemaleDarkElfCommoner: Well then, I suppose I'm off to do what I do best. DLC1MaleVampire: All quiet now. DLC1FemaleVampire: All quiet now. ------------------------------------------------- Favors Quest Tab: [Show] ------------------------------------------------- MaleBandit: N/A FemaleCommoner: N/A MaleNordCommander: N/A ------------------------------------------------- Favors Quest Tab: [Agree] ------------------------------------------------- MaleBandit: I understand. FemaleCommoner: Will do. MaleNordCommander: Mmm hmm. Anything else? ---------------------------- MaleUniqueHadvar: Alright, if you insist. MaleWarlock: N/A MaleUniqueGhost: *Wailing* DLC2MaleDarkElfCynical: Eh, suit yourself. DLC2MaleDarkElfCommoner: That's it? DLC2FemaleDarkElfCommoner: Sera. DLC1MaleVampire: Hmm. DLC1FemaleVampire: Hmph. ------------------------------------------------- Favors Quest Tab: [Refuse] ------------------------------------------------- MaleBandit: Not my problem. FemaleCommoner: Not my problem. MaleNordCommander: Not my problem. ------------------------------------------------- Favors Quest Tab: [ExitFavorState] ------------------------------------------------- MaleBandit: N/A FemaleCommoner: N/A MaleNordCommander: N/A ------------------------------------------------- Favors Quest Tab: [MoralRefusal] ------------------------------------------------- MaleBandit: You're an idiot. FemaleCommoner: Very funny. MaleNordCommander: Shut up. ------------------------------------------------- Misc Quest Tab:(Goodbye) ------------------------------------------------- MaleBandit: N/A FemaleNord: All set, let's go. FemaleCommoner: N/A MaleNordCommander: N/A ------------------------------------------------- Misc Quest Tab: DialougeFollowerHellos (Hello) [Remember Random-end!] ------------------------------------------------- MaleBandit: Can I help you? MaleBandit: Need something? MaleBandit: You want to talk to me? Okay. MaleBandit: Go and pick some fights. MaleBandit: Yeah, I guess I have a minute. What do you want? MaleBandit: Aedra, what a day! FemaleCommoner: Can I help you? FemaleCommoner: Need something? FemaleCommoner: Yes? FemaleCommoner: Hmm? FemaleCommoner: Short yawn- no subtitles displayed FemaleCommoner: Huh? MaleNordCommander: Huh? MaleNordCommander: Yes? MaleNordCommander: Hmm? MaleNordCommander: I'm just itching for a fight. MaleNordCommander: Need something? MaleNordCommander: Say on, friend. What do you need? MaleNordCommander: What do you say? ------------------------------------------------- Misc Quest Tab: HirelingIdles (Idle) SCRIPTS!SCRIPTSSCRIPTS!!!!! ------------------------------------------------- MaleBandit: ...retire some day... get myself an island. MaleBandit: ...mead, mead, mead... ...kill 'em to get some beer every now and then? ...stupid bees and their stupid honey... MaleBandit: ...once was a woman, as fair as an evenin', of springtime in old Stros M'Kai... MaleBandit: ...told him to just hand over the gold, but did he listen? Oh, no... they always have to fight back... MaleBandit: ...with three beers down, the Orc did frown, and bid the Elf goodbye... ...for none could know, 'twas not for show, and someone had to die... MaleBandit: Suddenly I don't feel like fighting. SCRIPTS!SCRIPTSSCRIPTS!!!!! FemaleCommoner: Seen a lot of travelers lately. Mostly soldier, nowadays. FemaleCommoner: Let us walk in the steps of the Divines. FemaleCommoner: Better to work in the cold then the heat, I say. Though some sun would be nice. FemaleCommoner: How could people see all the graves in Falkreath and still want to make war? FemaleCommoner: I wouldn't complain if we could string together a few sunny days now and then. FemaleCommoner: You hear any juicy gossip in town, be sure to share it with me! FemaleCommoner: The people here work so hard, and they never allow themselves a moment of fun. It's such a pity. It won't last forever though. MaleNordCommander: We must keep faith in ourselves and the Divines. MaleNordCommander: Windhelm is one of the oldest human cities in all of Tamriel. In fact, it was the capital of the First Empire, which was founded by Ysgramor. MaleNordCommander: Being in exile is the most humiliating thing I've experienced in my life. MaleNordCommander: With the soldiers all fighting in the war, there's nobody to hunt down the bandits. Travel has become dangerous of late. MaleNordCommander: We'd better keep moving. MaleNordCommander: Men who understand one another need not waste words. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- FollowerCommentary01 Entrances to Dungeons (scenes) ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= MaleBandit: I know I heard something. FemaleCommoner: Did you hear something? MaleNordCommander: Did you hear something? ------------------------------------------------- FollowerCommentary02 Follower sees an impressive view ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= MaleBandit: In all my years, I've never seen such a thing... FemaleCommoner: In all my years, I've never seen such a thing... MaleNordCommander: In all my years, I've never seen such a thing... ------------------------------------------------- FollowerCommentary03 Danger Ahead ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= MaleBandit: Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into. FemaleCommoner: Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into. MaleNordCommander: Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into. ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= LET ME TELL YA'LL ABOUT MARRIAGE ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= RelationshipMarriage Quest [Noticing Amulet of Mara] "Interested in me, are you?" “No, I'm not.” (custom rejection per voicetype) "Yes. Yes I am." (custom agreement per voicetype) [NPC tells player to visit temple] [NPC is excited about wedding] RelationshipMarriageBreakUp Quest "I never loved you, anyway." "It was a mistake. Can we start over?" RelationshipMarriageFIN Quest "Lets live..." "Would you mind cooking something for me?" "Has the store made any money?" "I'd like us to move somewhere else." "Lets move to..." RelationshipMarriageWedding Quest [NPC is excited for weddingday] [NPC is pissed at breakup] [NPC "I do. Now and forever."] ------------------------------------------------- RelationshipMarriage ------------------------------------------------- PlayerDialogue Quest Tab: RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingAskNO FemaleKhajiit: My ears hear the truth in your words, and yet my body shakes with the need. MaleKhajiit: That could have turned out better. PlayerDialogue Quest Tab: RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtingIntroTopic FemaleKhajiit: It would seem so. MaleKhajiit: That is the truth. PlayerDialogue Quest Tab: RelationshipMarriageIntroDialogueCourtshipYES FemaleKhajiit: Excellent. I think you'll be glad you made this decision. MaleKhajiit: Excellent. I think you'll be glad you made this decision. Misc Quest Tab: (Hello) FemaleKhajiit: You could have just asked. FemaleKhajiit: Excellent. I think you'll be glad you made this decision. FemaleKhajiit: Mmm. That felt nice. MaleKhajiit: Ha! You can't resist, can you? MaleKhajiit: Then what are we waiting for? Lets get started! MaleKhajiit: ...once was a woman, as fair as an evenin', of springtime in old Stros M'Kai... FEMALE KHAJIIT DONE. MALE KHAJIIT DONE. ------------------------------------------------- RelationshipMarriageBreakUp ------------------------------------------------- PlayerDialogue Quest Tab: RelationshipMarriageBreakUpBlocking FemaleKhajiit: It's scent is foul, unclean. Hurtful. MaleKhajiit: Khajiit wishes for you to go away. You have done us too much harm. PlayerDialogue Quest Tab: RelationshipMarriageBreakUpHurtful FemaleKhajiit: I'll teach you to talk to me that way! MaleKhajiit: I'll teach you to talk to me that way! PlayerDialogue Quest Tab: RelationshipMarriageBreakUpReconcile FemaleKhajiit: I guess I can look the other way, this time. MaleKhajiit: I guess I can look the other way, this time. FEMALE KHAJIIT DONE. MALE KHAJIIT DONE. ------------------------------------------------- RelationshipMarriageFIN ------------------------------------------------- PlayerDialogueQuest Tab: Branch RelationshipMarriageCeremonyPost... FemaleKhajiit: By the gods...I don't even know what to say. FemaleKhajiit: How can I argue with that? (sharedinfo from misc tab) MaleKhajiit: By the gods...I don't even know what to say. MaleKhajiit: How can I argue with that? (sharedinfo from misc tab) PlayerDialogueQuest Tab: Branch RelationshipMarriageFINCooking FemaleKhajiit: May your bed be warm and your food sweet. MaleKhajiit: You bring a smile to this one's eyes and peace to his heart. Take this. A small token of appreciation PlayerDialogueQuest Tab: Branch RelationshipMarriageFINHouseChoice FemaleKhajiit: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. FemaleKhajiit: How can I argue with that? MaleKhajiit: Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. MaleKhajiit: How can I argue with that? PlayerDialogueQuest Tab: Branch RelationshipMarriageFINStore FemaleKhajiit: A liitle coin always greases the wheels. MaleKhajiit: A little coin always greases the wheels. Misc Quest Tab: (SharedInfo) FemaleKhajiit: Until next time. FemaleKhajiit: How can I argue with that? MaleKhajiit: Then back home is where you'll find me. MaleKhajiit: How can I argue with that? Misc Quest Tab: (Goodbye) FemaleKhajiit: May the sun keep you warm even in this land of bitter cold. MaleKhajiit: May the sun keep you warm even in this land of bitter cold Misc Quest Tab: (Hello) FemaleKhajiit: There is much beauty in this place. FemaleKhajiit: You honor Khajiit with your presence FemaleKhajiit: Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. MaleKhajiit: There it is. Ah... Home... MaleKhajiit: Welcome to you. MaleKhajiit: Aren't you a sight for sore eyes. FEMALE KHAJIIT DONE. MALE KHAJIIT DONE. ------------------------------------------------- RelationshipMarriageWedding ------------------------------------------------- PlayerDialogueQuest Tab: RelationshipMarriageWeddingSceneBlockingTopic FemaleKhajiit: You honor Khajiit with your presence. FemaleKhajiit: I don't have to take this from the likes of you. MaleKhajiit: ...once was a woman, as fair as an evenin', of springtime in old Stros M'Kai... MaleKhajiit: I don't have to take this from the likes of you. Scenes Tab: Action 9 "I do now and forever." FemaleKhajiit: Of course. MaleKhajiit: I do. FEMALE KHAJIIT DONE. MALE KHAJIIT DONE. ------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- -----------relationship marriage quest: ------------------------------------------------- TIF__000CDA0D - excellent. I think you'll be glad you made this decision M&F 000CD872 - You could have just asked. | Ha! you cant resist, can you? Relationshipmarriage break up 000CD865 I'll teach you to talk to me that way! M&F 000CD86C I guess I can look the other way, this time. ------------------------------------------------- ------------Relationship FIN ------------------------------------------------- 0002E11A & 000CD60F by the gods...I don't even know what to say. M&F SOLITUDE 000CCD45 how can I argue with that? WHNDHELM 000CD5FC MARKARTH 000CD571 RIFTEN 000CD5B9 LIVE WITH YOU 000CD53D WHITERUN 000CD59D WTFWHY?! ok, 000CD59A instead FOOD 000CD587 may your bed be warm and your food sweet. | you bring a smile to this ones eyes and peace.... VLINDREL HALL 000CCD6F HONEYSIDE 000CC89A PROUDSPIRE MANOR 000CCD57 YOUR OLD PLACE 000CC885 BREEZEHOME 000CCBAE WTFWHY?! ok, 000CCBAD instead HJERIM 000CCD4B STORE MONEY 000D0656 ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= MORE FOLLOWER VOICES MOD - HEARTHFIRE PATCH ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= Deleted original moving dialogue and replaced with new ones. ------------Relationship Wedding/FIN SOLITUDE 000CCD45 --> 000C57F5 WHNDHELM 000CD5FC --> 000C57FA MARKARTH 000CD571 --> 000C57F0 RIFTEN 000CD5B9 --> 000C57FD LIVE WITH YOU 000CD53D --> 000C57F3 WHITERUN 000CD59A --> BYOH_TIF__01003E51 ------------\new MarriageWedding PALE BYOH_TIF__01003EC2 HJAALMARCH TIF__000C57F4 FALKREATH? TIF__000CD595 ------------\new ======================== VLINDREL HALL 000CCD6F --> TIF__000C57FC HONEYSIDE 000CC89A --> TIF__000C57F6 PROUDSPIRE MANOR 000CCD57 --> TIF__000C57FE YOUR OLD PLACE 000CC885 --> 000C57F9 BREEZEHOME 000CCBAD --> BYOH_TIF__01003E2A HJERIM 000CCD4B --> TIF__000C57EF ------------\new MarriageFIN Hall PALE BYOH_TIF__01003F04 HJAALMARCH BYOH_TIF__01003DFC Manor FALKREATH TIF__000C57F2 ------------\new ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ================================================= ALL HAIL THE MIGHTY GLOW CLOUD. ------------------------------------------------- ================================================= ------------------------------------------------- I PROMISE NOTHING. MOVE ALONG, NOTHING MORE TO SEE HERE. ------------------------------------------------- The missing voices occur in four instances as far as I can see:- When you initiate conversation with the NPC as a follower: "Still here." "I'm right behind you." "I've got your back." When you tell the NPC to wait, and the initiate conversation with them again: "We heading out?" "Ready to get going?" When you ask the NPC to do something: "All right. What is it?" When you have the "do something" cursor active, and, I think, wait too long: "Still need me to do something?" All those lines appear in subtitles, but are not voiced - or if they are, they aren't available to NPCs using "FemaleSultry". There are also no other lines available for them, so those four instances will always leave us with silent NPCs. As far as I know, Beleval is the only vanilla NPC which uses this voiceset and for whom the errors appear. It does the whole FemaleSultry voiceset unsuitable for custom followers, though. Thanks so much! MaleElfHaughty - make marriageable I guess you had your reasons. I guess I can look the other way, this time. You could have just asked. Arn't you a sight for sore eyes. Good to see you. Come on in. That was amazing! Go. Your very presence sickens me. That's for the best. Just give me a moment. Hmph. Fine. There are so few pleasures in life as fine as your company. Stop your whining. (food lol) It is within you to succeed. Never forget that. You are on the right path, and you will prevail. That would probably be best. Fine. Please accept this token of gratitude. Of course. What do you know about soul gems? I can't. If I do, I may as well cut my own throat. Well, this is a nice mess you've gotten me into humming softly to self- no subtitles displayed You want something from me? Speak quickly The thalmor's memory is long. It's immoral to worship a man. And it's also illegal. A faithful Imperial citizen would know that. Bah! Is there no one who can offer a challenge? We're nothing to the Daedra. Pawns to move around, praise, and punish as they see fit. Just give me a moment. This war is such nonsense. All this fuss over their false human god. Hmph. Fine. No doubt most folk in Skyrim consider the dragons terrifying. I find them... wonderous. Stop your whining. I'm sorry, I'm afraid I don't understand. You have asked for my help. I am providing it. meanspirited laughter Skilled, lethal and good-looking. Yep, it's a curse. You're sure? What? Are you joking? Indeed. Yes? Until next time. Okay, okay. You've talked me into it. Not my problem. If you change your mind, you know where to find me. Of course. ------------------------------------------------- ASK -Success Based on: Not in combat Speech Skill NPC Level NPC Job/Type (blacksmith vs armor trainer) NPC relationship level INTIMIDATE -Success Based on: Not in combat Speech Skill Player Level NPC Job/Type (blacksmith vs armor trainer) NPC relationship level BRIBE -Success Based on: Not in combat Speech Skill NPC Job/Type (blacksmith vs armor trainer) NPC relationship level (Money needed scales with NPC level) Will probably need SKSE, MCM functionality for precentage of sucess and clean termination of scripts. Fairly hard success rate by default. If NPC is NOT in follower factions then then this special follower dialogue appears, same "Follow me I need your help" (follower count is checked?) if ask fails then the player can either bribe, persuade, intimidate, or walk away. If player succeeds the NPC is added to the nessecary factions for following and then follows. (If Relationship is low and the player succeeds in convincing the NPC, could maybe not change the relationship so they'll have to be asked/bribed/intimidated again?)