------------------------------- MontyX's Race Compatibility Mod ------------------------------- Please Endorse this mod if you use it. com·pat·i·ble Adjective (of two things) Able to exist or occur together without conflict. Noun A computer that can use software designed for another make or type. Synonyms consistent - reconcilable This read me is mostly in point form. It had been almost 10 years since my last read-me. Please contact me, if you think I left anything out. Create a new mod in the Creation Kit. Select Skyrim.esm as a master Select Update.esm as a master. Select MontyXRaceCompatabilityMod.esm as a master. --------------------------------------------------------------- your race will only be compatible with both version of MXRC. IF you do not create this mod with Dawnguard.esm as a Master, This is preferable, unless you are using assets from Dawnguard. Please let users know that it is for Dawnguard only & requires the Dawnguard version of MXRC. --------------------------------------------------------------- Create your race & vampire Race. Use this Tuturial to make one properly: http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Creating_a_custom_race_for_Skyrim --------------------------------------------------------------- Create a new Quest in the Quest category in the object window. call it somthing unique, for example: YOURRaceInitializationQuest Select run at game start checkbox. Press Ok, so your Quest actually excists. Edit your quest again, Go to the Scripts tab. Create a new script, call it somthing unique, for example: YOURRaceInitializationScript Select the appropiate TXT template, copy & paste the contents into your script & save. Here is an example of a template adding all Human Eyes, Hair, Facial Hair, Scars & Custom Hair Mods to your Race. Copy & Paste the below into your script (EXACTLY IN-BETWEEN THE LINES). --------------------------------------------------------------- Race Property CustomRace Auto Race Property CustomRaceVampire Auto FormList Property HeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeast Auto FormList Property HeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeastVampires Auto FormList Property HeadPartsBreton Auto FormList Property HeadPartsBretonandVampire Auto FormList Property HeadPartsBretsNordsImpsandVampires Auto FormList Property HeadPartsHuman Auto FormList Property HeadPartsHumanoidVampire Auto FormList Property HeadPartsHumansandVampires Auto FormList Property HeadPartsHumansOrcsandVampires Auto FormList Property HeadPartsHumanVampires Auto FormList Property HeadPartsImperial Auto FormList Property HeadPartsImperialandVampire Auto FormList Property HeadPartsNord Auto FormList Property HeadPartsNordandVampire Auto FormList Property HeadPartsRedguard Auto FormList Property HeadPartsRedguardandVampire Auto Event OnInit() FormList MXRaceList = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000D62, "MontyXRaceCompatabilityMod.esm") as FormList FormList MXRaceVampireList = Game.GetFormFromFile(0x00000D63, "MontyXRaceCompatabilityMod.esm") as FormList MXRaceList.AddForm(CustomRace) MXRaceVampireList.AddForm(CustomRaceVampire) HeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeast.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeast.AddForm(CustomRaceVampire) HeadPartsAllRacesMinusBeastVampires.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsBreton.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsBretonandVampire.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsBretonandVampire.AddForm(CustomRaceVampire) HeadPartsBretsNordsImpsandVampires.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsBretsNordsImpsandVampires.AddForm(CustomRaceVampire) HeadPartsHuman.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsHumanoidVampire.AddForm(CustomRaceVampire) HeadPartsHumansandVampires.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsHumansandVampires.AddForm(CustomRaceVampire) HeadPartsHumansOrcsandVampires.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsHumansOrcsandVampires.AddForm(CustomRaceVampire) HeadPartsHumanVampires.AddForm(CustomRaceVampire) HeadPartsImperial.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsImperialandVampire.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsImperialandVampire.AddForm(CustomRaceVampire) HeadPartsNord.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsNordandVampire.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsNordandVampire.AddForm(CustomRaceVampire) HeadPartsRedguard.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsRedguardandVampire.AddForm(CustomRace) HeadPartsRedguardandVampire.AddForm(CustomRaceVampire) Debug.Notification("YOURRACE Scripts Initiated") EndEvent --------------------------------------------------------------- Now save & close the script editing box. double click on your Script, & auto-fill all properties. All properties should be automatically filled, except CustomRace & customRaceVampire. Select your Race in the CustomRace property. Select your Vampire Race in the CustomRaceVampire property. You can go through the whole script & change "Custom" to your race name. Then all the properties will be auto filled. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- The outcome of this script can be done in many ways. I prefer this way, & you should only add one race at a time between saving. I doubt people are going to use any more than 5 custom races at most. So it wouldn't even take much to: Add a race esp. load clean save, wait for the Initialization script to run. Save game & Exit. Add a race esp. load saved game, wait for the Initialization script to run. Save game & Exit. Add a race esp. load saved game, wait for the Initialization script to run. Save game & Exit. Add a race esp. load saved game, wait for the Initialization script to run. Save game & Exit. Add a race esp. load saved game, wait for the Initialization script to run. Save game & Exit. Load save game, & enjoy. --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- Do not edit any headparts formlists, or the colorform formlist. Do not add your race in the MXRaceList or MXVampireRaceList formlists. This will cause conflicts & will cause your mod to not fit the requirements for MXRC. I hope that explains most of the aspect of how to implement your race into this System. I am glad you've decided to be apart of a Custom Race Compatibility System that works. -MontyX --------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------NOT RECOMMENDED FOR NOOBS-------------------- if you accidently edit anything, you can use TES5Edit to remove any vanilla forms from your mod. You can find it on NexusMods. Please read tutorials, before using it. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/25859 --------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER In no way am I responsible for any damage and/or discomfort in using this System. The mod is "as is" & is made for compatibility with my custom race mods. I am happy for you to add your Race into this System. But only if you fit the compatibility requirements. Any Custom Race mods using this System, will be conflict checked. Any mods meeting these requirements will be displayed. Any mods not meeting these requirements will be flagged as so. Depending on Conflict severity, they will be mentioned as a NOT compatible Race.