-------------------- Disabled Basic Health Regeneration -------------------- Provided Files: ujDisableBasicHPRegen - NoLowHealthW.esp ujDisableBasicHPRegen.esp Readme - Disabled Basic Health Regeneration.txt Current version 1.1 BETA Created on July 4th 2013 by Unclejack Based on Skyrim Requires Skyrim.esm and Update.esm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Installation: Place/Copy one of the two provided ESP files in the Skyrim/Data folder. Check the placed ESP file in the Skyrim Launcher in the Data Files options. Do not use both ESP files at the same time! Uninstall: Remove or delete the placed esp file from the Skyrim/Data folder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- What it does: The esp files modify the game's data using only the Creation Kit. A permanent constantly active spell is added to the player that reduces the basic health regeneration of the player to 0. This spell is visible in the game under the magic effects tab. In addition, the esp files will also change the "Force Without Effort" and "The Fire Within" abilities from the Meditations on the Words of Power in order to prevent these abilities from providing undesired and unintended basic health regeneration. Next to that the "Sinderion's Serendipity" ability is also modified to prevent the ability from providing unintended health regeneration as well. The esp also alters the Argonian power "Histskin" to grant additional health regeneration in order to compensate for the effects of the disabled health regeneration. Finally, the disabled regeneration will be removed if the player is affected by vampirism and affected by daylight in the outside world. This is done to prevent stacking of disabled regeneration when the player is affected by vampirism and sunlight. Fortify/Damage Health Regeneration and Fortify Health potions or spells should work as intendend and it should be possible to increase the health regeneration of the player with other forms of magic as well, such as the "Ethereal Spirit" Word of Power ability and the Argonian power "Histskin". Note that it is possible to use the esp that removes the low health warnings presented by the HeartBeat and blurry red vision when the player reaches low health values (use - NoLowHealthW.esp). It does NOT modify the health regeneration of other characters, it only modifies the health regeneration of the player and not of followers or other NPC's in the game. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Modifications applied by the ESP file: Adds a new spell: UjDisableBHPRegen. Adds new magic effects: ujDisableBHPRegenME. ujPerkArgonianFortifyHealRateMultNonCombat Adds a new quest that runs on startup: ujDisableBasicHPregen Modifies the following existing magic effect: NN01PerkEffect (Sinderion's Serendipity) Modifies the following existing spells: GreybeardsFusAbility (Force Without Effort) GreybeardsYolAbility (The Fire Within) PowerArgonianHistskin (Histkin) Modifies the following existing game settings (using the NoLowHealthW.esp): fPlayerHealthHeartbeatFast fPlayerHealthHeartbeatSlow ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Issues: Currently no big issues. However when the Vampirism Weakness to Sunlight is removed from the player, a small time window, during which the provided disabled health regeneration has to reapply, is needed, resulting in one tiny second of normal Vanilla Skyrim health regeneration. This ESP might not be entirely compatible with files that modify the mentioned existing altered spells and magic effect in the Creation Kit. Other files that modify Health Regeneration or add addtional sources of Health Regeneration might also be incompatible with this esp file. The ESP has only been tested by myself during playing, so if you encounter any errors please let me know on the corresponding Skyrim Nexus page. http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/37957//? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reason for this mod: I wanted a mod that removes the basic health regeneration of the player without altering the effect of the many health regeneration boosting potions and skills. However all existing mods out there had some difficulties with keeping vampirism, argonians and other aspects of the game balanced and working when combined with the provided disabled health regeneration. Most of those mods also generally required that the player uses a console command to apply the desired effects. So I decided to make my own ESP to keep the game working correctly while disabling the health regeneration, and this is the result. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Change Log: Version 1.1 BETA: start using a quest to add the spell to the player. bundled both esp files together in one RAR file. Version 1.0 BETA: added optional .esp that disables the low health warnings. Version 1.0 BETA: initial release.