HearthFire Tweaks v1.0 YourUnequal ____________________________ Contents: 1. Introduction 2. Requirements 3. Installation 4. Uninstallation 5. Current known issues and workarounds 6. Additional Information 7. Credits ____________________________ =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 1. Introduction =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This small (currently) mod adds a few features to the HearthFire DLC (small meaning currently a grand total of *drumroll please*…2 additions). I hope to increase the amount of content in this mod purely to enhance the quality of the HearthFire experience. If I receive any suggestions that I like and / or have the ability to implement in a way which will not upset the balance of the game too much I shall endeavour to get them in as soon as possible. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 2. Requirements =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Currently the only known requirement for this mod is HearthFire. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 3. Installation =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= For NMM users (auto): - Download the .rar file using the manager. - Find the mod in the list and activate it by using the appropriate button on the side panel. For NMM users (manual): - Download the .rar file. - Launch NMM. - Navigate to ‘Add Mod from File’. - Find the .rar file using the browser, left click it and then select ‘Open’. - The NMM should then add the mod to the list and create a copy of the .rar file in folder it uses to reference the mod list. For manual download: - Download the .rar file. - Extract the folders to the appropriate location (…\Skyrim\Data\); if the folders inside the .rar file already exist inside the Data folder (meshes, textures, scripts) then the sub-folders should be added without interfering with the rest of the files in the folders. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 4. Uninstallation =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= For NMM users: - Remove the mod by navigating to the ‘Deactivates the selected mod.’ button. This should remove all files used by the mod. For manual additions: - Remove ‘HearthFire Tweaks.esp’ from \Skyrim\Data\. - If desired, remove the files used by the mod: o \Skyrim\Data\meshes\_byoh\plants\byohhouseingrdjarrinroot01.nif o \Skyrim\Data\meshes\clutter\plants\icebarkseedsbag.nif o \Skyrim\Data\meshes\plants\icebarkroot01.nif o \Skyrim\Data\textures\plants\floraicebarkroot01.dds o \Skyrim\Data\textures\plants\floraicebarkroot01_n.dds o \Skyrim\Data\textures\plants\icebarkroot01.dds =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 5. Current known issues and workarounds =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= - After the mod has been installed, the Salmon at the Fish Hatchery will sometimes still be Salmon; since the game draws the fish to spawn from a FormList as an event, clear the Fish Hatchery of existing fish and then wait for the normal respawn period; once the Hatchery refreshes itself, the Salmon should have changed. - After uninstalling the mod, the Fish Hatchery is sometimes cleared of all fish; the game still accepts what has already been placed into the Hatchery, so again, simply wait for the respawn interval to elapse. - If any Icebark Plants are grown in patches when the mod is removed, there will no longer be a plant there but the game will still think there is. Simply activate the spot and select ‘Remove Plant’. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 6. Additional Information =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= This mod uses only scripts used in the main game and even then, no new instances of them; I try to keep scripting to a minimum in as many mods as possible to maximise compatibility (but mostly to avoid the number of things that can go wrong ;-) ) As far as I am aware, SKSE is not required to run this mod; should I be proven wrong, however, the latest edition can be found at: http://skse.silverlock.org/ I have tested this mod under various conditions including its implementation via the NMM and it doesn’t seem to have any unintended, undesirable knock-on effects. =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= 7. Credits =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Valistar, for enhancing Skyrim's immersion no end in just 43kb. Crashnburn, for creating the most customisable HUD I think I have ever seen...and I've seen a few.