Ebony Weapons Pack for Ebony Armor and Mail Mod This is the weapons pack for ebony weapons to go with my Ebony and Plate Ebony Armor Mail mod. Increased resolution and custom textures for ebony weapons including blade of sacrifice but not ebony blade. Changed the ebony sword mesh to use smaller greatsword mesh. No more grungy too dark to see ebony weapons! This is the weapons pack that goes with my other ebony mod here: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/24960/? I replaced the ebony sword mesh with a smaller greatsword mesh and managed to fit it into the scabbard properly. Custom textures with 2k resolution and better details like handles that you can actually see and details that are clean and visible. The ebony sword and greatsword have different textures so they don't look the same. I changed the blade of sacrifice to custom textures and put a scabbard on it. The only thing not changed is the ebony blade because some people actually like the default (not me) and some people already have replacers for it. I want to find a good replacer for it later though. The meshes included are needed because some cubemap settings are required to get the weapons to match my other mod and these weapons use the same or similar cubemaps to my other mod too which is included in this mod. There is no esp file because it is not needed just use nexus mod manager or manually copy meshes and textures to game folders. Find any bugs? Please post them in the comments section so I can fix them thanks. There are some minor issues right now with a few weapons textures but I plan on fixing them in the future and adding some new ebony weapons too.