5th November 2013 DUSTBOUND Chapter One: Swordscholar (V0.5) -------------- - INTRO - -------------- Swordscholar is the first chapter in a collection of addons I will be releasing for Skyrim as part of my Dustbound series. It adds one new levelled and lore-friendly follower to the game, integrated seamlessly and fully voiced with more than 300 lines of completely unique dialogue and commentary. -------------- - DETAILS - -------------- This archive contains: Dustbound.esm Dustbound.bsa All supported data for this mod and will always be merged into one, stable .esm file. It is clean, though TeSEdit will still flag two entries, these are intentional, removing them will cause bugs and/or break dialogue. -------------- * LOCATION * -------------- The companion may be found near Solitude, minding his own business. ------------------- - COMPATIBILITY - ------------------- A compatibilty patch may be required for mods that edit objects in the Solitude dockland area, though I have not found one yet. A patch will likely be required for follower mods such as AFT, UFO and the like. -------------- - INSTALL - -------------- - Extract all of the contents to your Data folder for Skyrim, or use NMM. - Tick the .esm in the Skyrim startup window or Nexus Mod Manager. -------------- - UNINSTALL - -------------- (Not recommended, this mod is scripted (very carefully), though I hope to add MCM support in future for uninstallation.) - Dismiss the follower, wait 24 hours, and make a clean save without the .esm enabled. - Delete Dustbound.esm, Dustbound.bsa. -------------------- - RECOMMENDED MODS- -------------------- - Ethereal Elven Overhaul - High Res Face textures (any) - Audio Overhaul for Skyrim - Inconsequential NPCs - Book of Silence -------------- - CREDITS - -------------- Bethesda: Skyrim, Creation Kit. Robin Scott: Hosting and providing a fantastic venue for modders. EmeraldReign: Dustbound. Cabal120: Template aMidianborn Elven cuirass textures. Nikkinoodles: Template cloak mesh. Nuska: Ethereal Elven Overhaul, face mesh.