Cities Reduced n Enhanced-Farmhouses Reduced n Enhanced (RnE) packages by Thorne67 NON MESHED VERSION. NO REQUIREMENTS. UPDATE: 28 JULY 2013 Installed cleaner interiorwindows and normals. Updated columns and interior ceilings. Woodpost02 and Thatchinterior01 brought back up in size to 1024 due to constant re-use of textures all over the game. "WHO SAYZ LOW REZ SUX??" All custom and redone from UHD original textures and individually converted to 512k and re-edited. Well... as low res as possible for all items without losing too much. My FPS went from 20 to 30 in Falkreath and Riverwood. I take no credits for original works. I've just re-done them for FPS boosts and for use on low end machines. No extra crap goes into the skyrim folder with my mods.