Dyeable Capes. The mod adds a cape that can be dyed 40+ different colours. Required: Latest Skyrim. Installation: Place the .Bsa and .esp into your data folder and make sure you have the .esp switched on in the game launcher. Description: There are a few awesome cape mods on the nexus, having a system where you could dye a cape hadn’t been done before so I decided to squeeze this mod in amongst the other cape mods. I felt it was also a nice way to introduce a new cape style. Procedure: You can craft a grey cape at any tanning station using two wolf hides. Check the pictures to find Olaf’s Emporium. It’s located in the Falkreath hold down beside the boarder gate out of Skyrim. Go inside, buy his book of dyeing knowledge and read it. You now have the knowledge to be able to dye your grey cape on a dye lab. All you need now are the necessary ingredients to dye your cape any colour you wish, Olaf has a few ingredients he can sell you as well as some capes. Credits: Strotri for the oven type resource. Nikinoodles for his cape mesh. Permissions Do not upload this file anywhere else, any translations must link back to the main mod here and you’ll need my permission to translate it too.