INSTALLATION -------------------------------------------------- First off you're going to need to download MultiXwm by Vikichan okay now were ready to begin 1. first of go to your morrowind music folder (usually at program files/bethesda softworks/morrowind/data files/music/explore 2.copy all the files from the explore folder to your desktop or a folder you create MultiXwm by Vikichan and convert those mp3 files to xwm files 4.move the xwm files you created into folder provided in the download (data/music/MMI) unless you downloaded using NMM then follow the same path i just showed you only in your skyrim installation folder and then move the xwm files there all you have to do is move the MMi.esp file and data folder to your skyrim install and check off mmi (if you downloaded using NMM just check it off MMI and you're ready to go enjoy :) if you like the mod please drop an endorsment for it it's greatly appreciated