Epic Male Argonian Shouting - V1.0 TOC --------------------------------------------------------------- | - 1 Description | - 2 Installation | - 2.1 NMM/Wrye Bash | - 2.2 Manual | - 3 Compatibility | - 4 Changelog | - 5 Credits 1 Description (from the VA) ------------------------------------------------------------- Greetings. This simple yet immersion improving mod was born of my frustration with the fact that male Argonians do not have a proper reptilian-like shouting voice akin to that of the female Argonian. To rectify this I re-recorded each and every shout in the game with a reptilian voice to lend authenticity to the male Argonian shout, whilst my partner, Trankquel, provided the invaluable coding and programming knowledge required to actually integrate the shouts into the game. We hope that this mod adds immersion to your Skyrim play and a new dimension to your male Argonian. Thank you for using the mod and may the Gods watch over you. 2 Installation ------------------------------------------------------------- Follow either of the following methods of installation (or your own preferred method if it is not listed), then see section 3 on compatibility for load order suggestions. 2.1 NMM/Wrye Bash ----------------------------------------------------------- Install as per standard installation procedure as defined by the documentation of NMM/Wrye Bash. See following links for more information: - http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Installing_Mods_Using_NMM - http://wryemusings.com/Wrye Bash.html 2.2 Manual ----------------------------------------------------------- Extract the "Data\" folder located inside the 7-zip archive (.7z) into your "Skyrim\" folder, merging folders as necessary. Then, activate the mod using the 'Data Files' menu of the Skyrim Launcher. See the following link for more information: - http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/How_to_install_Skyrim_mods 3 Compatibility ------------------------------------------------------------- This should not conflict with any mod except those that change shouting, such as "Thundering shouts" by greentea101. In the case that any of these modifications are installed, ensure that "Epic Male Argonian Shouting.esp" is loaded AFTER the esp files of the other shout mods. 4 Changelog ------------------------------------------------------------- V1.0 - First release 5 Credits ------------------------------------------------------------- Stardusk - voice acting, original concept, trailer composition Trankquel - technical details, trailer photograhper