Finally!, love it or hate it this stick has won a lot of popularity between mlp fans, so here it is, to help you in your quest in the lands of skyrim. Model was created by The One Freeman, I just ported it with his permission. It actually acts like a normal staff, and it throws lightnings, it isn't really overpowered so i'm pretty sure it will not make the game too easy, unless you dualweild, that's too much twalot for the delicate dragons. It can be found in any forge, under various category. Looks like i also got eqd'd. You can follow me on tumblrrrrr if you are into that: I usually upload shitty animations. Also: Dear King bethesda, get a better, more usable model format, your faithful modder, Alex. Feel free to add me on steam if you have any questions. Copy the files to the skyrim data folder.