Thank you for downloading the Cyrodiil Farmhouse resources. Info: The Cyrrodiil Farmhouse models are legal recreations of the original Oblivion farmhouses, they use mostly vanilla skyrim textures, so new textures would be required if these models were to be ported. The textures named CyrodiilFarmStucco are created by LoneArchitect and can safely be used in a ported version. ----------------------- Installation: 1: Place the meshes and textures folder in your skyrim data folder 2: Launch the creation kit 3: right click on any static model in the object window and select new 4: load the models from your data - bsCyrodiil - architecture - farmhouse Should you have any problems at all, be sure to contact me on the contact info found at the bottom of this read me file. ------------------------ Known Issues and bugs: There are no LOD models in this package, LOD models will be created eventually, so be patient. There is a minor bug on the fireplace in the Farmhouse03Interior model were some of the meshes are black, this will be fixed in a later version. ------------------------ Term Of Use!: You May Use These Assets in your own Mod as long as credits are given to original author. You may re texture these assets however you like. You may edit the UVW coordinates as well as the mesh however you like. You may port these assets to previous and future Elder Scrolls and Fallout games*** You may not publish these assets as modders resources without authors permission. *** The CyrodiilFarmhouse03Interior mesh contains parts of a Vanilla Skyrim Fireplace, be sure to remove the fireplace before porting the model to previous or future elder scrolls or fallout titles. ------------------------ Credits: MarkusLiberty (Markus Janson Tellmann) for modelling the assets LoneArchtect for creating the fantastic plaster textures. ------------------------ Contact info: Nexus and Bethsoft username; MarkusLiberty Emai: