Name: Mage Staves Version: 1.0 Date: 12/11/2013 Category: Weapons Requirements: Skyrim (Updated to Author: BlackLink16 =============== MOD INFORMATION =============== Description =========== Adds two new staff enchantments and six staves which use them. Location ======== The staves can be bought at Farengar in Whiterun or Faralda in College of Winterhold. One staff can be found for free in Winterhold, lying by a pile of rocks. Details ======= The new staff enchantments: Arcane Damage: Fires a ball of magic which damages on contact. No element, but the damage is affected by magic resist. Magicka Absorption: Fires a pulse of absorption magic, stealing magicka from the target. The staves should last awhile with needing recharging, depending on how often they are used. I managed to clear three dungeons with a new character using the weakest arcane staff before needing to recharge. Incompatibility =============== The mod might conflict with any mod which edits the vendor inventories of Faralda and Farengar. =============================== INSTALLATION AND UNINSTALLATION =============================== Manual Install ============== 1. Extract the files to your Skyrim data folder. 2. Check the .esp in the Skyrim Launcher. NMM Install =========== 1. Download with the Nexus Mod Manager. 2. Activate in the NMM. Manual Uninstall ================ 1. Start Skyrim Launcher, uncheck the .esp. 2. Delete the .esp file. NMM Uninstall ============= 1. Deactivate the mod in NMM. =========== EXTRA STUFF =========== History ======= 1.0, 2013/12/11 - Initial release. Credits ======= Bethesda: For creating Skyrim. For hosting the mods. LHammonds: For the readme generator. Licensing/Legal =============== You must contact me and obtain my permission before re-packaging any part of this mod. If I do not respond within 2 weeks, feel free to do whatever you like with this mod.