With this little mod you can melt down your rings and necklaces. Primary use is for stolen ones, but it works with every regulary jewelry (gold and silver rings/necklaces) except the enchanted ones. It doesn't use any scripts, is very simple and should be compatible to every mod. It doesn't use custom text, so it should be fully compatible with all your language versions. CAUTION: It needs a little trick to seperate your regular items from your stolen ones. If you don't seperate them you'll melt down your regular items, and most of the time you don't whant this. How to do this is descriped under the instalation section. ====== Instalation ====== NMM: - Download the mod and activate it, move at the end of your load order. Manual: - Download the mod, open the archive and unpack the only file in the data folder into your data folder of your Skyrim installation path. ====== Comments ====== Best to use together with an inventory mod like SkyUI. To melt down only your stolen jewelry with the help of SkyUI and two containers do the following steps: - in the options of your SkyUI under general configure the "Quantity Menu min Count" to something like 20. - open 1. container, sort your inventory to show your stolen parts at the top - put your stolen jewelry into the container piece by piece. Because your stolen items are on top of the stack and you take only one piece by time away, your item-stack will jump down when all your stolen items are in the container. - open 2. container and put your remaining jewelry into this one. - now grap your stolen jewelry from your first container again. now you should have only stolen jewelry in your inventory. You can melt it down and recycle them :-)