********************************* * THE LAST ALTAR * ********************************* VERSION 1.0.8 _______________________________________________________________________ --CONTENTS-- 0. CHANGELOG 1. INSTALLATION 2. UPGRADING TO NEW VERSIONS 3. UNINSTALATION 4. THE ALTAR OF SPELLMAKING 5. NOTES ON SPELLCOST CALCULATIONS 6. TEMPORARY IMMUNITY EFFECTS 7. THE QUESTLINE 8. MCM SUPPORT 9. CUSTOMIZING USING FISS LOAD SUPPORT 10. LOAD ORDER 11. CONFLICTS/ KNOWN ERRORS 12. CREDITS 13. CONTACT AND INFORMATION 14. DISCLAIMER ================ 0: CHANGELOG ================ ******************************************************************************* 1.0 INTITIAL RELEASE. --------------------- 1.0.1 - Fixed Bug with dragon twin quest markers - Repaired issue with quest scene dragon not retreating. - Issue with dragon quest not starting. - Fixed issue where last battle would not progress if boss never entered bleedout before dying. --------------------- 1.0.2 -Fixed Issue with Olmary Dialogue not advancing properly -fixed issues with olenveld scene not advancing properly --------------------- 1.0.3 Fixed issue with packaged script causing glitches througout the mod. --------------------- 1.0.4 -fixed issue with Dragontwins quest not starting if you had DLC/dragon altering mods -fixed issue causing living bomb spells in the right hand to fail. -fixed issue causing new dark elf enemy to show as playable race in race menu. -fixed Gramatical errors:) -fixed issue with the player not being able to drop the Exodus book until the end of the questline. -FIXED error causing Last boss scene to trigger early, with no quest progression. -fixed issue causing players with dawnguard installed to see the Vralla Phylactery on Olenveld Docks to be floating in midair. rather than on the second floor of inn. -fixed issue causing Altar Chargers to be full and unchargeable. -fixed issues with Olenveld dragon scene not completing. -FIXED issue with merrari's book texture not appearing in item menu. --------------------- 1.0.5 fixed bug in altar causing long duration spell to have extemely high magicka costs --------------------- 1.0.6 fixed issues with regualar cloaks only doing 1-3 damage fixed Quest progression issues with vralla Dragon twin quest starting Fixed issues with progression of final Scene. fixed issue causing some to Experience random CTDs in exterior cells. --------------------- 1.0.7 FIXED minor bug preventing Merrari from leaving the college quest progression. Fixed script error causing players to have the Altar charger reset to 0 charge after charging. --------------------- 1.0.8 Fixed waterwalking tome sold by Otheral, will correctly allow for waterwalking spell. fixed issue with skeletal mage spell title and description fixed issue causing crafted fire and frost runes to not apply damage correctly. fixed issue causing stone bear spellto not appear as option in regular spellcrafting menu fixed potential issue with evelyne brolus fight. fixed issue causing jump spells to persist their effect when loading a savegame. Fixed issue causing magetallaow staff appearing as stolen item. Fixed issue causing muffle effects to cancel other buffs. fixed issue causing immunity effects to be reported as hostile. added failsafes to olenveld scene to ensure steady progression. fixed quest advancement bugs. All quests should run regardless of load status. otheral's shard spell should now properly ignore resistances and spell absorption. Fixed bugs causing npc cloaks to cancel abruptly. fixed clipping issues in keep. Fixed clipping issues in roombounds of olenveld keep cells. fixed questmarkers throughout mod, quest progression should be much easer to follow. ******************************************************************************* *This mod has been Cleaned using TESEdit V 3.0.31 ================ 1. INSTALLATION ================ - Extract folder "Data" into your Skyrim root directory, which is the folder where your TESV.exe is located. - Run Skyrim launcher and make sure the KhalSpellmakingMod.esp is activated. ============================== 2. UPGRADING TO NEW VERSIONS ============================== THE MOD SHOULD BE ABLE TO SUPPORT UPGRADES WITHOUR REQUIRING A "clean" save, but the mod also includes a reset feature, available through the settings power of MCM settings menu. Upon updating, remember to use this feature. Updates on this may follow with subsequent versions. ===================== 3. Uninstallation, ===================== Enter a save where you wish to uninstall the mod and use the uninstall Spellmaking feature in the settings power or the MCM Menu of the mod. Confirm the save once the completion message is displayed. From here you can exit game and deactivate the mod in your load order. ============================= 4. The Altar of Spellmaking ============================= Description: Through use of the Altar, the player will be able to choose one primary effect (which is how the spell will look and cast) and the combine up to 3 secondary effects onto it, adjusting their magnitude, and duration. Some spells like teleportation and summons have customizable ranges as well. I've also added a number of new and unique effects to the game to make up for the lack of customizable area. The spell creation system has been designed to eliminate some of the more ridiculous exploits of spell creation from the ground up -no consecutive stacking (spellstacking) -spells created thru the altar are tied to ALL Magic skills (not just the first effect) -perks still upgrade the applicable aspects of your spells -higher magnitude and durations to select -The ability to delete unwanted spells -Customizable runes, cloaks, sprays, barriers, AOE AND Wards Also, Spells have a soul gem cost based on the number of effects, and the magnitudes and durations of those effect. ===================================== -SPELLS INTEGRATED WITH SPELLMAKING- ====================================== ---Destruction effects -All destruction effects for fire frost and shock Runes, cloaks, walls sprays, master, ranged, AND ranged aoe, Damage Health Damage Magicka Damage Stamina Weakness to Magic Weakness to Fire Weakness to Frost Weakness to Shock Weakness to Poison New: High-Powered spells Archetypes, New: Targeted blizzard New: Flamestrike New: Corona New: Thunderbomb, New: Chain Lightning Storm, New: channeled blizzard, New: controlled blizzard. ---Restoration Effects Turn undead Fortify Fortify health Fortify health regen Fortify Magicka Fortify Magicka regen Fortify Stamina Fortify Stamina regen Fort skill (All, with the exception of magic skills) Absorb health Absorb magicka Absorb stamina Wards Master spells New: guardian wards Restore Close wounds Grand healing Heal other ---Illusion Effects Invisibility Light Fear (all types) Fury (all types) Pacify (all types) Rally (all types) Muffle Silence NEW: Sleep New: Hatred New: mind control New: Living Bomb ---Conjuration Effects Soul trap Banish Daedra Command Daedra Reanimate Dremora Lord Frost Atronach Fire Atronach Storm Atronach New: 12 hidden summons New: Ring of the Ethereal New: CUSTOM teleport spells Blink, BlinkStrike, stone Escape, and Remote recall ---Alteration Effects Shields (armor) Light Resist Fire Resist Frost Resist Shock New: jump, haste, slowfall Feather (fortify carry) And hidden customizable effects and Weapons As well... ============================ 5. SPELLCOST CALCULATIONS ============================ These notes on spellcost are provided so those who choose to make changes to the basecost values can use this as a frame of reference. Much Like Oblivion spellmaking the cost of each effect of a spell is derived from: ( B * M * D * A ) Where B = basecost*0.1 M = (magnitude of the effect) ^1.28 D = Duration of the effect A = Cast type Modifier of the Primary effect The cast type modifier value is a value comparable to the Area Modifier in Oblivion, given to the different spells base on their area of affect, casting time, and ranges. ================ VARIATIONS ================ ----------Teleports/summons spellcosts----- For spells with range values (teleports summons) the valuation of spellcosts is: ( B * M * D * A ) + R Where r = [(range of the spell in feet) ^1.75] * 0.15 NOTE: teleport spells have no duration (D = 1), and summon spells have no magnitude (M = 1) -----------High cost spells--------- Gout Spells, have different methods of calculation to prevent extremely high damage output at minimal cost ( B * M * D * A ) Where M = (magnitude of the effect) ^1.4 D = (Duration of the effect) ^1.3 ----------Cloak spells------------ With cloak spells (frost cloak flame cloak, mystic shock cloak, etc.) the M factor changes to: M = (magnitude of the effect) ^X Where x = [(magnitude of the effect) ^1.5 +176.76]/176.76 These values were chosen to prevent exceedingly large values on cloaks spells as the magnitude factor of the spell start to scale up rapidly from values greater than 35 ============================================ --Spell Cost Modifier-- ============================================ The final cost of the spell is multiplied by the Spell Cost Modifier. The global variable represents the player expertise in spells. It is derived from the player average in all magic skills/spell schools, and the player’s investment in spellcost reduction and dual casting perks. SpellCostMod = (100 - (((skillAvg/100)*40 + PerkReduc*50) + 2))/100 Where SkillAvg = (destruction + restoration + conjuration + Illusion + Alteration) /5 *SKILL AVERAGE CANNOT BE GREATER THAN 100 PerkReduc = ((total of spellcost reduction and dualcasting perks the player has taken)/18) *perkReduc cannot be greater than 1.0 Note that the perk reduction portion only requires 18 perks to max out, and is weighted more heavily than the skill average. Also, the max spellcost modifier possible (level 100 in all skills) is 0.08, meaning the casting cost of the crafted spell is 8% of is base cost. =============================== 6. TEMPORARY IMMUNITY EFFECTS =============================== As an optional limitation them to prevent abuse, the mod features Temporary Immunity effects on Paralysis and illusion effects crafted thru spell making. These effects render the victim of such spell effects immune to subsequent applications for a moderate duration (Example: An enemy who has just been paralysed by a crafted spell would become immune to paralysis for 30secs – 2 mins). Again, this is an optional limitation, with different durations selectable through the MCM Settings menu OR Spellmaking settings power. =================== 7. THE QUESTLINE =================== The quest becomes available after the Player has become Archmage of Winterhold, used their first shout, and has attained an expert level in one school of magic schools of magic. ****For those who would rather not perform the quest there is a cheat to access the Altar and leave the quest intact: -open the Console and type: SETSTAGE KSMQ10 3 -you will be given a spell and have a quest started follow the instructions in the quest to access the altars ================= 8. MCM Support ================= This mod also features an MCM Based Spellmaking menu, with sliders and drop menus for those who prefer to see changes to their spells real-time. Simply select the MCM option on the Altar menu, then enter the MCM menu under ‘Spellmaking'. Please note there is a loading time for the menu on initial use. ==================================================== 9. Customizing Spellmaking USING FISS LOAD SUPPORT ==================================================== The mod also comes with a rebalancing feature for those less skittish about numbers. The mod comes packaged with a text file, (KSMBaseCosts.xml) that includes the base costs for each effect in the spellmaking system. You can tweak base costs in this file, and load them using the SpellCost Adjustment feature in the mod or MCM settings menu. You can also restore the default settings from the menu as well. Please NOTE that the cost of crafted spells is determined while crafting, as such any changes made to the base costs WILL NOT BE RETROACTIVE THRU PREVIOUSLY CRAFTED SPELLS. You will have to destroy old spells and craft new ones for the updated values to take effect. This Feature Requires File Access Interface for Skyrim Scripts (Fiss.esp), and can be downloaded with instructions AT WWW.NEXUSMODS.COM ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ================ 10. LOAD ORDER ================ If you plan to modify the base cost values, the mod should be loaded after FISS.esp. Skyrim.esm *.... *.... FISS.esp *... KhalSpellmakingMod.esp ============================ 11. CONFLICTS / KNOWN ERRORS ============================ This mod makes use of unused player actor values. It will conflict with any mod that uses these values on the player: BYPASSVENDORKEYWORDCHECK BLINDNESS ENERGY fAVORPOINTSBONUS VARIABLE05 VARIABLE04 VARIABLE07 VARIABLE08 VARIABLE10 VOICEPOINTS BYPASSVENDORSTOLENCHECK vARIABLE01 VARIABLE02 vARIABLE03 VARIABLE06 VARIABLE09 -This mod is confirmed compatible with Third era Attributes. The mod uses its own resources and does not change or altar any of the base game spells, enchantments or effects. also, Crafted Spells Are designed to be integrated into the BASE GAME Magic PERK SYSTEM. This means that any mods that dramatically change/ rebalance the Perk layout of magic skills system may have effects on the magnitude and durations of crafted spells. if your spells are doing vastly increased damage/healing magnitudes, this is the most likely reason. I will be working on new FISS files that can be loaded for rebalancing with the more popular overhauls but for now, you have been warned. KNOWN ISSUES -Followers will not return home if dismissed in the new world space, and will remain where they were dismissed. -Some Surfaces in the new worldspace will cause summons to fail when cast upon. -Naming Spells produces Random letter Capitalizations. Still looking into resolving this issue. =========== 12. CREDITS =========== Voice Talents Anna Castiglioni (Anduniel) as Olmary http://tesalliance.org/forums/index.php?/topic/6143-anduniels-archive/ FinalChrystine as Mistress Vralla and Evelyne Mark Enticknap as Otheralwww.themarkenticknap.com Matthew Wade as Magelord Gavos http://www.matthewwade.co.uk/ Nathan Marlowe as Commander GunGhol, Ontnan and Erandur RiliththeRogue as Ugrul-Gro-Shak Volun as Lord Bangral and Sadril Special thanks to: Bethesda for making an awesome game! The SKSE Team These folks for help with the CK and Scripting: Cipscis Justinother BigBadDaddy DienesToo s70 egocarib Mojo22 Skyviper And these folks for the wealth beneficial insights of their posts. TheGreatSquare Otheral Gorbadps3 Merari And last but not least... Xarnac the Conqueror =========================== 13. CONTACT AND INFORMATION =========================== KhalEdos on bethesda forums ( http://forums.bethsoft.com ) =========================== 14. DISCLAIMER =========================== This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.