TITLE: Stackable Stones of Barenziah with Optional Quest Markers VERSION: 0.1 (Alpha) AUTHOR: geekofalltrades RELEASED: December 21, 2013 at Skyrim Nexus INSTALLATION: Either install with Nexus Mod Manager, or place SSoB.esp and SSoB.bsa in your Skyrim/Data directory. UNINSTALLATION: If installed with Nexus Mod Manager, disable or delete with Nexus Mod Manager. Otherwise, remove SSoB.esp and SSoB.bsa from your Skyrim/Data directory. DESCRIPTION: Allows Stones of Barenziah to stack normally in your inventory. Because quest markers for Stones of Barenziah are fairly popular, and this mod won't be compatible with other mods that add them, I have in- cluded them as an option. To enable quest markers in your save game, load the game, open the console ('`' - Backtick or Tilde key, by default) and enter: set SSoBGemMarkers to 1 To turn them off, enter: set SSoBGemMarkers to 0 These values should persist across game sessions; if you find that you have to enter this command every time you play in order to get the quest markers to appear, please report this as a bug. COMPATIBILITY: This mod overhauls the No Stone Unturned quest fairly radically, and so won't be compatible with other mods that alter that quest. These include the popular Quest Marker and Droppable Gem mods. SSoB should be compatible with almost any other mods. PERMISSIONS: Do not reupload this mod at sites other than Skyrim Nexus. If you alter this mod (by translating, adding functionality, etc) you may distribute it freely, so long as I am credited as its original author; in this case, I would prefer that it were made available at Skyrim Nexus. If you want to include this mod as part of a larger compilation or bugfixing mod, please contact me. CORRESPONDENCE: For general questions, comments, complaints, compliments, musings, propositions, reticulations, etc, please post to this mod's thread on the Skyrim Nexus forums. To contact me directly, please send me a private message on the Nexus Mods website. My account name there is "thegeekofalltrades." THANKS to Nexus Mods and to all contributors to the Creation Kit wiki and forums.