-- Sacrificial follower: a Curious Hunter -- AoM_sacrificial-hunter -- A Skyrim mod by Aaron of Minneapolis (a.k.a. Aaron_of_Mpls, AaronOfMpls) -- Zip file (Nexus) -- o AoM_sacrificial-hunter.zip -- Files included -- o AoM_sacrificial-hunter.esp -- unzip to your .../skyrim/Data/ folder o AoM_sacrificial-hunter.bsa -- unzip to your .../skyrim/Data/ folder o AoM_sacrificial-hunter.bsl -- unzipping optional, unzip to your .../skyrim/Data/ folder o AoM_sacrificial-hunter.txt -- this readme file, unzipping optional -- Description -- The Curious Hunter is a nameless follower I created to be a sacrifice for the Boethiah's Calling quest. You can find him on the road near Traitor's Post. His default outfit is bandit furs, leather boots, and fur bracers. His starting weapons are a low-level bow, iron arrows, and a low-level dagger. He also carries random hunter items, some food and drink, and a small amount of gold. His NPC class is CombatRanger, and he prefers light armor, bows, and one-handed weapons. He is not essential (so you can kill him) and has a standard Nord male voice. His level ranges from 5-40 (player x 0.85) and he cannot be married. No known incompatibilities. He has an idle marker near a tree stump, though (in Wilderness cell 38, 9) so something that rearranges that area too much might clip it or leave a gap. This mod has been cleaned with TES5Edit. If you find any bugs or incompatibilities, let me know in the comments at: o Skyrim Nexus: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/49124 -- Changelog -- o 2013-12-23 -- v 1.0 -- Initial Nexus upload. -- Additional information -- This mod's filenames are: o AoM_sacrificial-hunter.esp o AoM_sacrificial-hunter.bsa The Curious Hunter's base info in the Creation Kit is under Actors → Actor → AoMSacrificialHunter. His BaseID is xx000D62 and his RefID is xx00182A (replace xx with whatever number this mod gets in your game; type 'help "curious hunter"' (without single quotes) in the console to find it).