=========================== =========================== === ALCHEMY INGREDIENTS === =========================== =========================== This file is an utility made with Excel which allows listing of alchemy ingredients depending on their effects, especially to create potions with combined effects. It also allows a filter by rarity, or by the source of an ingredient. There is a version for Excel 97-2003 (Composants_alchimiques.xls) and one for Excel2007 or later (Composants_alchimiques.xlsm). You must allow macros to make it work, as the routines are written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). It contains three languages : Frenglish, French and English. However, it's reasonably easy to replace by oneself one of the languages by one of his own choice, by incorporating the needed translations. FOREWORD -------- All ingredients from Skyrim, Hearthfire, Dawnguard and Dragonborn are listed, along with some ingredients which come from mods. Ingredients can be added by the user (you). The rarity of the effects is given for the mods I've installed, with mode merchants, and accordinf to my own experience of the game. As I have a game in french with mods, some names are in french and others in english ; which leads to the "Frenglish" language. USE --- In Sheet 1 ("Research"), select an effect with one of the two comboboxes (unroll lists ?), then click on the "Research" button. The list of all ingredients which have the chosen effect appears. The list of the others effects (non chosen) of those ingredients appears also, with the number of times they are listed. For a second effect, select it in the other combobox, and click on "Research". The list of the ingredients which have the two effects appears (if there are some), along with the list of their others effects. Furthermore, two other lists of ingredients are created, each containing the ingredients which have only one of the two chosen effects. If at least two ingredients share a third effect, another combobox appears ; after selection, a new "Research" button appears to filter more. If at least two of the ingredients of the second list share a fourth effect, a fourth combobox appears, and after selection a third "Research" button. The language option buttons allow to choose the used language. The checkboxes allow to filter by rarity (Common, Uncommon, Rare) or by source (Skyrim, DawnGuard, HearthFire, DragonBorn or Mod). In sheet 2 ("Translated data") are listed all the ingredients and all the effects, in the chosen language. In Sheet 3 are the translated datas. In Sheet 4 are the raw datas and the effects list. In Sheet 5 are the translations of the messages and the color indexes. The Sheet 6 provides all the ColorIndexes and their RGB equivalent. PERSONALIZATION --------------- Before personalizing the datas, it is adviced to make a clean save of the file as you downloaded it, for instance by changing its name in "Composants_alchimiques_base.xlsm". In Sheet 4 ("Raw data") are the base data for the ingredients. You only have to add (or delete) an ingredient at the end of the list, along with its effects. DON'T LEAVE AN EMPTY CELL IN COLUMN 1 ! The program uses column 1 to create its lists. Don't bother with alphabetical order, it's managed afterwise. You can alos toggle between custom and standard mode, seven effects have their name changed if the mod Better Sorting is installed. The custom mode uses the Better Sorting's names, the standerd mode uses the usual names. You can also change the rarity or the source of an ingredient, you just have to afterwise click on the "Update effects" Button. It's adviced to add the ingredient in Sheet 3 ("Translation (data)") at the end of the list along with its translations (columns 1 to 3), and if need be new effetcts with their translations (columns 5 to 7). Then, click on the button "Update effects" in Sheet 4. If some translations or effects were forgotten, they will automatically be added with default names and will appear in grey ; you'll have to correct them after. To modify a language, choose rather the second one. In Sheet 3, you'll have to change all the iongredients names in the "NOM DE L'INGRÉDIENT 2" column (column 2) and all the effects names in the "EFFETS 2" column (column 6). After that, click on "Update effects" in sheet 4. Still better, modify also all the messages which are not bold in column 2 in Sheet 5, then click on "Update messages". This has almost the same effect as opening the file. The color of the messages, of the labels under the checkboxes or of the chosen effects can also be modified by changing the value of their ColorIndex or the RGB values (click on "Update messages" to validate). IN NO CASE MUST YOU CHANGE THE VALUES OF THE CELLS WHOSE CONTENT IS BOLD IN COLUMN 1 IN SHEET 5 !! The program uses them to create its lists. In case of trouble, quit without saving and open again the file, the effect of it beeing to redefine all the constants and arrays. You can also try the "Update messages" button. CONCEPTION NOTES ---------------- The ingredients and effects names come from the game, from UESPWiki or from the official guide of the game for some of them. Alchemists, on your potions ! PS : Readme exists in french (cf Readme_french.txt).