MOD DESCRIPTION Basically this mod gives you the ability to tame any beast - even Dragons! - from any mod and any DLC. Your tamed beast will follow you and assist you in combat. It will get stronger the more it fights, due to a completely new introduced leveling system. You will be even able to breed your pets to get even more powerfuls beasts! And you can learn how to merge your spirit with your beasts body and... ... control him at will. However, we really hope you like the new tame beasts, and if you do, don‘t forget to endorse and if you really care about our happiness vote for us. We would be so happy if we can reach the Top 5 list! ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FEATURES 1) THE PETSHOP Everything starts at the petshop, which is located outside whiterun right towards the stables. The petstore lady will teach you the ancient wood elf tongue, wich gives you the ability to tame even the wildest beasts. She will also give you the anility to tame horses as well. You will also meet Malbros the crazed there, who has traveled all across Tamriel and knows a lot about taming beasts. You might want to speak to him, especially if you are interested in finding some really special and unique beasts, hidden at secret places somewhere in Skyrim.... And don´t worry if you don´t understand his wise words cleary.... that poor guy became a bit insane after surviving his last...accident. The petshop is the core of tame the beasts of skyrim. Those are the features you will find in the petshop: - You can buy food for your pet... Yummy! He will like the treats to a level that he will be faster. But take care - if you don´t feed him he will get slower and slower. - The petshop lady will give you the ability to track your pets wherever they are. - You can even sell your pets... It will be a little rude to tame beasts for money, but it works. - You will also be able to give your pets to the petshop lady, and with small luck and if your pets are from same race and different gender, you might have a surprise and obtain baby cubs. - Malbros the crazed is awesome, he knows a lot of previously unseen pets which are pretty rare, and you‘ll come to know their places.... in time. 2) TAMING After learning the elven shout from the petshop lady, you have the essential ability to tame a beast... BUT: it isn´t *that* easy. The chance of successfully taming a beast depends on it´s level and health but do not forget your level, health and stamina as well. If you are lucky you might even tame a beast wich would be too powerful for your state, but don´t bet on it. The more you are weak or the beast is strong, the less the possibility to tame the beast. Once you tamed a beast you have to decide if you want to use it either as aggressive attacker (DPS), defender(Tank) or - if the beast is magical - magical pet. Depending on your choice your pets stats evolution will change. Once tamed your pet will assist you in combat and gets stronger and reaches higher levels the more it fights. It´s experience depends on the damage it does to your enemies itself , so it will not just level up with you but gets stronger on its own. There are a few spells you should know about: - Mod Configuration: There is the pet menu, where you can * Turn NPC Pets on/off * Set the pet status essential/normal * Decide if you want to use the happiness/animal food mode or not And there is the mod menu: * Choose the naming type. If naming your pet doesn´t work, try the other option. * Refresh. If anything is wrong with the mod or spells are missing here you go: use refresh and things should be fine. * Toggle Spells: Enable/disable Main and misc spells ~ Main Spells: x) Tame Beast Information (shows stats, Level, needed Exp, etc.) x) Recall Pet: Send home your current pet and choose another one. x) Choose Name: Name your pet x) Set Beast Home: Choose a home for each of your pets. ~ Misc Spells: x)Command Attack: Your pet should kill someone for you? Choose! x) Command Stop Combat: If you don´t want your pet to fight... x) Dismiss pet: Send home your current pet x) Abandon/Release pet: Farewell! Release your pet into the wilds. x) Take pet: Cast in on your pet, if it should follow you x) Toggle saddle: Choose a saddle for your horse You will always have enabled the importand basic features of tame beasts: x) Tame Beast/ Tame Horse: The shout and spell you need to tame an animal. x) Call Pet: Use this if your current pet disappears and it will be teleported to you. x) ............ and ............ being curious? Here we go: x)Spirit Bond: Since it is nearly impossible to tame a beast and ride it, we are proud to give you the ability to actually MERGE your spirit with your beast‘s body and actually...... CONTROL HIM AT WILL. x)DRAGONS!!: When reaching a certain level, you will receive a letter from Roselia. After you finish the given quest, Roselia will make you able to use the Tame Beast Shout to tame ....a Dragon. Then just use the summon spell to call him to your aid. But note, that you can only have one tamed dragon at a time. If you want to tame another then you have to abandon your current one first. 3) BREEDING Prepare to become the first Beast breeding Dovahkiin of Skyrim! What is more beautiful than cooperating in the cycle of life!! Now you will be able to be part of it... well, not you directly but your pets. You can deposit two tamed animals of the same race (exactly same race) and different sex at the petstore by talking to the petstore lady. She will take care of them for you, and if you are lucky enough they will have a baby! But this is not what it is all about, the baby will have improved powers from his father and mother. But here‘s the trick, as powerful as the parents are in the wilds (before taming) the baby will be at birth. Example: two bears tamed at level 22, the baby will get the same stats as the level 22 bear, but instead it will be level 1...... ... yeah. Exactly. Powerful baby beast, isn´t it? BUT ... you haven´t talked to Malbros the crazed yet! Talk to him after you gave your pets to Roselia and ask him... for as the wise man he is, he knows how to make the baby even more powerful, so it will get the stats of the higher... trained level from his parents. Example: train your pet to level 80 and give it to the petshop... ...yes. The baby will have the level 80 stats at level 1. But this great power has it´s prize, since Malbros experiments are not fully... sophisticated yet. The baby will be infertile, ,it can never be used for breeding. You will be notified when you get a baby pet, and once it has grown up you can decide if you want the pet or not by talking to the petshop lady. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ INSTALLATION / REQUIREMENTS Skyrim 1.8 is minimum requirement to run this mod. Requires newest version of SKSE for your Skyrim version to work: Installation: We recommend that you install it manually. To do so just download the mod manually and extract the files into your Skyrims Data folder. -> If possible place Tame Beasts at the bottom of your load order. Only things that need to be placed below are its add-ons and compatibility patches. You can also place Wrye-bashed patches and ReProccer below. Updating: If you´re updating from the old Tame the Beasts of Skyrim Version then download the mod manually. You need to make a clean save: - deactivate Tame the Beasts of Skyrim - Start the game, save and exit - Overwrite the old files in your Skyrim data folder with Tame Beasts II - activate (new) Tame Beasts again - Play & have fun! :D Note: If you want to keep your previously tamed pets, then lock them somewhere (in a house for example) before you make the clean save. After updating you can go there and re-tame them. Uninstall: Deactivate Tame Beasts and remove all associated files from your Skyrim data folder. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ COMPATIBILITY Basically most mods are compatible, besides some that change follower or animal behaviour in a particular way. (check incompatible mods below) - Village and City overhauls (eTaC, expanded towns and cities, etc.) are compatible. - Follower overhauls (UFO, etc.) are compatible. Incompatible mods: - Pets of Skyrim ( not tame them, they won´t follow your commands) - Horse mods, that adds already „tamed/bought“ horses. You can´t tame them. - "My home is your home" follower mod - Tropical Skyrim zebra horse replacer and wild zebra herds ( they‘re beasts, not horses) - Touring carriages: your pet spawns under the carriage and the trip will get... bumpy. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ KNOWN BUGS - Dragons really are stubborn and not to control. Sometimes when you call them... they just fly away. - Malbros the crazed may disappear sometimes. Restart Skyrim and he´ll be back. - Changing/disappearing animals: well, unfortunately we can´t do anything about it... this happens due to Skyrims „randomly created animals.“ To avoid this, tame „fix placed“ animals (like bears in a bear cave, caged wolves, mudcrabs, horkers, etc.) - If you spawn an animal via console to tame it, do not do it with more than one animal of the same race. The second one will most likely be bugged. - Sometimes your pet can´t follow you inside cities or caves. Just use „call pet“ - Spirit bond can make some problems on a heavily scripted game. - Werebeasts are bugged. You can tame them but don´t be surprised if weird things happen... ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ RECOMMENDED MODS - Deadly Dragons - Want to tame a very special and powerful dragon?! Here you go! :D - SkyTEST - Realistic animals and predators - A huge overhaul for all animals in the game and adds countless variations of them - Monster Mod - Adds hundreds of creatures to Skyrim (compatibility patch required) - Monster Mod compatibility patch - Makes the creatures from Monster Mod tameable - Skyrim Immersive Creatures - Adds dozens of lore friendly creatures to Skyrim - Moonpath to Elsweyr - Only the Khajiit know the secret path to Elsweyr... and you will find new animals to tame - Tropical Skyrim - A climate overhaul- This mod is a complete overhaul of Skyrims climate and creatures - Prides of Skyrim - Adds lions, lionesses and panthers to Skyrim ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ CREDITS At this ppoint I have to say that I am just uploading this mod in hfiani´s place, who unfortunately got banned and therefore cannot upload it himself. He is a good friend and also the great modder who programmed and improved Tame Beasts II, so all credit goes to him and his amazing work. After all, credits are a very personal thing and should be written by the author himself, so I am just going to quote his words - myriliam First i would like to give a big appreciation and respect to TheSkoomaKing for starting this mod and for entrusting it to me later for making it bigger and better. Also for his support and testing for almost all the versions. Second, i would like to thank temperance10 his voice acting performance for Malbros, our own Myriliam for doing Roselia‘s voice, and at last enyo for her female shouts. A very big thanks to Myriliam for all the beautiful artwork and graphics which gave life to this page and to the mod. Also, she was my alpha tester all the way, from the start until the end of this new version. She literally gave all her time, she stayed up late and returned early from work just to support me with all the testing. Also she was always supportive, so even when all was going wrong, she was still there and always telling me never to give up. So this new version would not be up without her. A very big appreciation to myriliam. At last, I would like to thank my girlfriend for all her love and support. Thanks to Bethesda for creating this game. Thanks to nexus for making this cool site. -hfiani ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________