# What is SMC (Skyrim Mod Combiner)? SMC is a free, fast and light-weight mod combiner for Skyrim, designed to be as universal and user-friendly as possible. > SMC was initially made as extended GUI wrapper for a batch-file from [Texture Pack Combiner] (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/20801) by *Cestral*, but uses its own updated lists now for compatibility with newer and additional mods. > If you like what I do you can buy me a drink by donating with PayPal using the link below: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=LVHX9P9F7UHHQ > or send a few satoshi to my BTC wallet: 1Bn9z83YvbGfNCgVHUcLcWANutucFC9nNz ## SMC features: * Written fully in AutoIt, so it is *Windows-only* * Comes with a [7-Zip] (http://www.7-zip.org/) implemented * Uses *SQLite* as an internal database * Works with _archived_ and/or _extracted_ mods * Automatically installs _compatibility patches_, if needed * Dynamically calculates _space required_ * Dynamically indicates _mod availability_ * Optionally packs the combined output into _NMM-compatible archive_ * Optionally _optimizes_ combined textures with [DDSopt] (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/5755) and/or _unpacks input/packs output into BSA-archive_ with [BSAopt] (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/247) by *Ethatron* * Automatically creates readable _detailed log_ --- ## Downloading & updating: * Latest SMC version can always be found in [Downloads] (https://bitbucket.org/drigger/smc/downloads) section * There is also a new [SMC homepage on Nexus] (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/51467) available * And don't worry, SMC will update itself once installed (but you can still check this page every now and then, just in case) --- ## Issues: If you find an issue, please report it on the [issue tracker] (https://bitbucket.org/drigger/smc/issues). However, please use the search function to make sure you don't make a duplicate. Creating a new issue: * Make a coherent description that explains your issue in details * Use of pictures is welcomed to better describe your issue * Please make sure you've included your faulty compilation log file (it should be available in the corresponding _Logs_ folder) --- ## Thanks for donations from: * Chris Soldatos * Jeffrey Smith * John Spurgeon * Joshua Baker * Luc Bobko * Malcolm Allison * Martin Klinge * Matthew Dayne * Mohammed Muhanna * Pascal Pascher * Sergio Bonfiglio * Tomas Sanchez Gutierrez > Really, thank you all very much, guys!