For any questions or concerns, you can always e-mail me at -Feel free to modify the files any way you would like, but I don't suggest it. If you think something needs to be modified or fixed just send me an email and I'll get on it for the next potential update. -The FXAA Injector was not created by me and in no way was I involved with the development of the injector, all rights and credit go to the creator Timothy Lottes. -The ENBSeries was not created by me and in no way was I involved with the development of the program or its files, all rights and credit go to the creator Boris Vorontsov. -I only take credit for the modification of the files to provide a different experience from other ENB or FXAA configs. ~~~~~~~~~~ About: This mod is the collective power of two programs used to modify the lighting and overall atmosphere of Skyrim. The mixing of the ENBSeries and the FXAA Injector, allows for extended graphical improvement in all scenarios. Days are bright but not blown out, Nights are dark but most things are still faintly visible. Dungeons/Ruins/Caves have also been improved, being much darker in certain places, but ambient lighting is still strong enough to fill a room. If you aren't a mage, you may want to think about carrying a torch with you. There are essentially two settings for the mod, when you run the game both configs are running simultaniously, creating a rich atmosphere. If you would like your game to be a little brighter and more saturated, just hit the [Pause Break] key to disable the FXAA overlay. This mod is provided "as is" and is not meant to fix any known graphical issues associated with the game or any other mods you may have installed. It also will not cure cancer or any diseases. Future updates may be in store, depending on feedback from the community. ~~~~~~~~~~ Installation: To Install the mod, just drag the contents of the folder into your main Skyrim folder. Default is usually (C\program files\steam\steamapps\common\skyrim) For 64 bit Operating Systems, go to: (C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim) *Note: The DLL provided with this mod is modified, you may want to backup your default d3d9.dll before installing. ~~~~~~~~~~ Uninstalling: Just delete the following files from your Skyrim Root Directory. -injFX_Shaders -enbeffect.fx -enbeffectprepass.fx -enbpalette -enbseries -injFX_Settings.h -Shader.fx -SkyrimCustomShader_Config.h *-d3d9.dll (if you still have the original) ~~~~~~~~~~ "Recommended Mods" Acceleration Layer: Allow your CPU to actually do it's job, amazing performance increase. Killable Children: Morality be gone! ~~~~~~~~~~ Suggested Improvement Mods: No more blocky faces: If you do not already have this, get it now! Detailed Faces: Same guy, better face textures. Detailed Bodies: Like faces, but with boobs and such. Better Beast Races: Like the last 2 mixed together, but for cats and lizards. High Quality Eyes: Uncanny Valley eyes, Not necessary for 4048, unless you want to have people stare into your soul. Improved NPC clothes: higher resolution common clothes, not just a sharpen filter (I think) Realistic Water Textures: increases resolution and quality of all water files. Enhanced Night: Much better Skybox at night, I use medium density as personal preference. Glowing Ore Veins: Makes ore glow so you can actually see it. 2K Textures pack: High res overhaul for pretty much all textures in the game, all screenshots you see use this pack. Vurts Flora Overhaul: Higher resolution foliage, works great when you merge with with lush grass and trees to beef up the level of foliage. Lush Trees: Adds more branches basically to most/all trees. Lush Grass: Same as above but with grass? Enhanced Distant Terrain: Somebody added noise and stuff to the distant texture, but it does fill out nicer. Enhanced Blood: Higher res blood, that also increases splatter changes and duration of blood on weapons. Immersive Thunder: Better booming sounds when it rains and when you use Unrelenting Force to knock bandits off a mountain. Better Sorting: May save you some time looking for that moderate but not too powerful potion in a pile of epic and bad potions. Weapons of the Third Era: More weapon variety, such as "curved" glass swords. High Res Road Signs: Been getting these since the third one, come on Bethesda!!! Categorized Favorites: Very simple and crude right now, but it may just be the best inventory mod to date. Note: 99% of mods posted I use personally with this config, with everything running together minus Ambient Occlusion, I get 55-60 frames in all situations. I am not held liable if you break your game with too many mods!