A large luxurious property nestled in the Solitude Marshland. The property contains three seperate houses, a cave and a follower. A large selection of crafting stations are available in the main courtyard. The Grotto Villa: My main house and the one that is nearly complete. Features everything one would expect in a player home. Special features include weapon display room and an archery practice range. Access to your storage vault is through a door in the basement. Issues: Some flickering lights To Be Finished: Still decorating, archery range not complete yet. The Grotto Leisure Hut: Long day on the trails? Well head down to your party hut and bring some friends. Includes a fully stocked bar like you've never seen in Skyrim. Also includes a basement pool. Currently the follower is located in this house on the first floor. Issues: NavMesh is good but not fantastic in the pool To Be Finished: 6-12 Random npc's to lively up the place. The Grotto Pool House The problem with having the best bar in Skyrim is that you'll often find your friends are too drunk to ride their horses home... thats ok, just let them sleep it off in your guest house. Includes direct access to The Grotto. To Be Finished: Library and decorating The Grotto Currently its just a damp little cave... don't tell Pom Pom I said that. The Follower: Ash Ember Located in the Leisure hut temporarily. Ash is one hell of a deadly follower. She uses the Combat Assassin template, dual wields daggers and casts Ebony Flesh for defense and uses Light Foot to avoid traps. She may not use Ebony Flesh until she is high enough level. She is an essential follower and will not die. Note: She may look slightly different for you as I have no more blocky faces & lucious faces installed. Also while she is built with a UNP body, to have her look like my photo's you will need to install the UNPB body. You won't need to make any changes to the follower, just install UNP/UNPB how it is intended. The changes will affect her. Ash was made with: [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/6709/?]Unp Body by Dimon99[/url] [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/16731/?]Fitness Body by SvarogNL[/url] [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/7403/?]Lovely Hairstyles by zn00p[/url] [url=http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/14322/?]Sunburn Skin by Kraken973[/url] which was customized with tattoo's by myself So what's left? -Well there are still the quests that need to be finished. That's still a while out. They won't be anything special, just a few small things to do to gain keys/access to the houses. -Decorating/NPCS/Archery range -NavMesh tweaking, mainly the outdoor area Bugs!? -Well originally ash was part of The Grotto's mod file, she was peeled out and made semi-standalone to be an optional file. Thing is I left some remnants of her in the main file. So far it's not caused any issue other than that I can't place her starting location inside the Grotto Villa. Yet. Ill figure that one out eventually. -Riften Freeform Quest 20 (Skooma Dealer): So in my haste I buggered up that quest while duplicating something...fear not I have gone back through and corrected it. Everything should be fine, but if you notice that quest does not work for you, remove my mod, do the quest and then reinstall if you wish. Still, let me know if anyone has a problem because I'm sure I fixed this fully. While I've had some friends test this for me, I can never be 100% sure if everything is going to work perfectly for others. So if there are issues let me know. One last bit of a warning: I really load up cells with objects so if you have a weak system just skip my mods all together... well except Pom Pom, he's nice and lightweight. FAQ: Are the safe's safe? The safes in the vault, the lockboxes and safe in the Villa are all fine for storage. Where is Ash? Leisure Hut What level does she start using Ebony Flesh? Not sure, I think it's 50. I've only tested her at 80 Why does Ash shrink/grow when interacting with furniture? Shes got a pocket full of Eat Me cakes and Drink Me drinks... truthfully shes just short and grows to the correct animation size. One last thing! I've put a ton of work into this, especially over the last two months. As such I'm going to be taking a break from the CK for a bit... so while I do want to hear about encountered bugs, don't expect a timely fix. Enjoy.