------- Hello, thanks for reading this. This is my first mod, made after a request was posted on this forum: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/513219-request-inquisitor-hatwitchhunter-hat/ ------- The hat currently replaces the jester hat in the game, and I have not replaced the name or statistics from that - it is purely a cosmetic change. ------- To install the data, extract the files from the rar into the Data folder. Replace any existing files. To uninstall, delete the files: (Data Folder)\textures\clothes\jester\witchhunterhat_n.dds (Data Folder)\textures\clothes\jester\witchhunterhat_d.dds (Data Folder)\meshes\clothes\jester\jesterhatmk_1.nif (Data Folder)\meshes\clothes\jester\jesterhatmk_0.nif (Data Folder)\meshes\clothes\jester\jesterhatma_1.nif (Data Folder)\meshes\clothes\jester\jesterhatmka_0.nif (Data Folder)\meshes\clothes\jester\jesterhatm_1.nif (Data Folder)\meshes\clothes\jester\jesterhatm_0.nif (Data Folder)\meshes\clothes\jester\jesterhatfk_1.nif (Data Folder)\meshes\clothes\jester\jesterhatfk_0.nif (Data Folder)\meshes\clothes\jester\jesterhatfa_1.nif (Data Folder)\meshes\clothes\jester\jesterhatfa_0.nif (Data Folder)\meshes\clothes\jester\jesterhatf_1.nif (Data Folder)\meshes\clothes\jester\jesterhatf_0.nif (Data Folder)\meshes\clothes\jester\jesterhat_go.nif ------- To get the hat onto your character in game (after installing the files), type in the console (press tilde ~ or `) player.additem 000cee72 1 Then just equip the Jester's Hat. ------- There a couple of small issues that I know about but cannot really fix: # The version of the hat that appears in the inventory or on the ground is sparkly as if enchanted... which it is technically, but I did not want it to look like this. # This version also does not have perfect collision data for flinging around the hat on the ground. # There may be hairstyles that clip slightly through the hat. ------- Hopefully you enjoy my first mod. I am available for contact at reecpj@btinternet.com, and through the TESNexus forums as reecpj.