THESE ARE THE COMPANIONS THAT WAS RE-TEXTURED - Aela the Huntress Annekke Crag-Jumper Athis Belrand Benor Derkeethus Eola Faendal Farkas Ghorbash the Iron Hand Golldir Illia Jordis the Sword-Maiden Kharjo Lob Mjoll the Lioness Ogol Onmund Roggi Knot-Beard Sven Ugor Uthgerd the Unbroken Sorry we already know that not all of the compainions in the game are not in here. we could not find the ones that was in here like Lydia! we could not find her so we just moved on. we hope that you enjoy the new replacements or re-textured companions! So please don't file complants about that. -TheNyanKittyexpress Team.