How to create behavior file for your own animated NIF: 1. Create simple text file. 2. Add first string [Begin] and last string [End]. 3. Create string [===Animation===] and write after that name of the first ANIMATION. (this animation will be the FIRST animation who begins the "animation project") 4. On next string write name of the EVENT you want to leave this animation. 5. Then press TAB button few times and write a name of ANIMATION you would like to start when this event happen. 6. ... create by this way all necessary animations and "leave" events. 7. Save text file. 8. Run "_Create_All_.bat" (this file will convert all TXT files in current folder to XML files, and then convert XML files to HKX files) 9. Try your new behavior file in game. "EndAnim" - this event send to engine by animation when it finished "end" - this event happen when current animation is finished "StopEffect" - this event is send by engine to stop your "animation project" "RestartEffect" - this event is send by engine to reset your "animation project" - "EndAnim" event must be present in your "animation project" in "finish" animation - "EndAnim" event must be the last in the list of events for the "finish" animation - second parameter for "EndAnim" event can be any word - names of animations must be equal to the name of animation controllers inside NIF file, you make this behavior for.