//VERY IMPORTANT!///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I didn't make this mod!,I just uploaded it because the links all over the internet are DEAD! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I saw that the links here are old and not working for new versions, and the new versions of the mod deletd/removed from the internet. so I decided to upload the newest version of the ScriptDragon that made by Alexander Blade. The mod supports and below. //THE ORGINAL README////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// --------------------------------------------------------------------- IF YOU ARE PUBLISHING SCRIPT DRAGON ELSEWHERE PLZ PUBLISH THIS LINK http://alexander.sannybuilder.com/ --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- SKYRIM SCRIPTDRAGON --------------------- -----------------------v1.9.32.0--------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------- Changes --------------- v1.9.32.0: - New patch ( support added v1.9.29.0: - New patch ( support added - COC fix v1.8.151.0: - New patch ( support added v1.7.7.0: - New patch ( support added v1.6.89.0: - New patch ( support added - Script execution speedup v1.5.26.0: - New patch ( support added v1.5.24.0: - New patch ( support added v1.4.27.0: - New patch ( support added v1.4.21.3: - New patch ( support added - Fixed script loading bug on XP64 - Fixed console command execution bug with new patch - Developers must look at the updated devreadme v1.4.15.0: - Beta patch ( support added - Now asi loader can load asi plugins from "dataasi" dir too v1.3.10.0: - Added support of new (rus and eng) patch - Fixed random bug on Win XP x64 v1.3.7.0: - Added support of new (rus and eng) patch v1.2.12.0: - Added support of new (rus and eng) patch - Added support of patch - Fixed few rare bugs v1.1.21.0: - First beta release What is this ? ------------- This is the skyrim engine extender, which allows to use skyrim script functions in 3rd party ScriptDragon plugins. How this all works ? -------------------- At first, let me list all necessary files, open "bin" folder pls - dinput8.dll -- loads all dlls with *.asi extension from the game dir, if you are similar with gta mods you should know what is this. Current loader was rebuilt especially for skyrim and has steam-crypt bypass feature. Asi plugins also can be placed in the "asi", "plugins" and "dataasi" folders relative to game root dir (where TESV.exe is located) - *.asi plugins -- each asi file represents one script example which is game version independent - ScriptDragon.dll -- ScriptDragon engine itself - *.ini files -- config files which are using by *.asi plugins in runtime When game launches it loads dinput8.dll, dinput8.dll loads all *.asi libraries from the game directory, first loaded *.asi plugin loads ScriptDragon engine library ScriptDragon.dll, all other loaded *.asi plugins are using previously loaded ScriptDragon.dll. While further loading *.asi registers itself in the ScriptDragon.dll. When game will be loaded each *.asi script will be restarted. Scripts are not working while menu/map/etc is active, for example if you will open console all scripts will be paused until you close it. Compatibility ------------- Fully compactible with TESV.exe version: - clean - crypted steam - crypted steam rus - crypted steam - crypted steam rus - crypted steam - crypted steam rus - crypted steam - crypted steam rus - crypted steam beta - crypted steam - crypted steam rus - crypted steam - crypted steam rus - crypted steam - crypted steam - crypted steam - crypted steam - crypted steam us - crypted steam us - crypted steam us Installing ---------- Copy all contents of the "bin" folder to the game folder (where TESV.exe is), if you don't need ScriptDragon example plugins (*.asi) you may delete them and corresponding *.ini files. Asi plugins also can be place in the "asi" folder. Troubleshooting --------------- http://forums.bethsoft.com/topic/1355668-rel-script-dragon-topic-6/ http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/477268-rel-script-dragon/ Example plugins --------------- - horsespawner -- spawns a horse in front of you (default key is HOME) - undress -- allows to take off a closes (NO NUDE HERE!) from any game ped, press console (~), select needed ped via left mouse button, close console and press DELETE (by default) - weather -- changes current weather, default keys are PAGE_UP and PAGE_DOWN - trainer -- implementation of a simply trainer, default keys : NUM1 - add skills NUM2 - add perks NUM3 - increase carry weight NUM4 - toggles god mode NUM5 - learn words NUM6 - add daedric items and some stuff You can watch this examples in action on my youtube channel: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0lEINaNdhk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsdcGd6Yt4U Updating -------- You can always find the newest version of the ScriptDragon engine here: http://alexander.sannybuilder.com/Files/tes/ (C) Alexander Blade 22.03.13 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Have fun :) ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////