===== ABOUT ===== This mod replaces the vampire fang mesh from realistic teeth with different styles of fangs, so far i have completed 3 sets but more will be on the way soon. ============ Requirments ============ Requires the Realistic Teeth Mod to work http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33117/? ====== Install ====== If you haven't already installed Realistic Teeth you will need to install that first: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/33117/? Next, download the chosen teeth set and install via chosen mod manager, or if manually installing, extract and copy files into skyrim/data folder, when asked to replace files chose yes. if you are using Better vampires, fangs and eyes make sure you install after. ========= Uninstall ========= to unistall, simply delete or deselect mod in your mod manager ========= Credits ========= Brumbek designed, modeled, and textured the actual realistic teeth model and for giving me permission to make this mod Anton0028 used his genius technical skills to get the teeth to integrate into the Skyrim face system.