=========== Kast ENB =========== Hey. Thanks for downloading this file ; this is my first ENB and I hope you will like it. Please report any issue on the mod's page (on Nexus website). INSTALLATION : 1) Turn off Anti-aliasing and FXAA in the game AND in your GPU settings, and make sure bFloatPointRenderTarget=1 is written like this in your SkyrimPrefs.ini 2) Download latest version of ENBseries for Skyrim here : http://www.enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.htm 3) Extract the content of the Wrapper folder in your Skyrim directory 4) (recommanded) Install ENBoost to prevent some issues (chose the files according to your GPU specs) : http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/38649//? 5) Change these lines in ENBlocal.ini (if you don't, some effects may not work) : UsePatchSpeedhackWithoutGraphics=false UseDefferedRendering=true 6) Extract my files in your Skyrim directory. Overwrite when asked. 7) Enjoy ! You can turn on/off the ENB with shift+f12 if you want to compare :) If you followed every step and still have CTD or other issues, please report them. (and google them too, this may save some time !) FEATURES : - Colorful landscapes - Bright days and dark nights - Warmer and brighter fire - Enhanced Sunlight and rays - Enhanced shadows with SSAO - Very smooth DoF, so it doesn't hurt your eyes :) - Improved interior lightning for day and night - Enhanced Water - Slightly improved rain DEFAULT EFFECTS : UseOriginalPostProcessing=false EnableAdaptation=true EnableBloom=true EnableAmbientOcclusion=true EnableDepthOfField=true EnableDetailedShadow=true UseOriginalObjectsProcessing=false EnableSunRays=true EnableSkyLighting=true EnableReflection=false EnableImageBasedLighting=true EnableSoftParticles=true EnableParticleLights=true EnableSunGlare=true EnableSubSurfaceScattering=true EnableLens=true EnableWater=true EnableUnderwater=true EnableCloudShadows=true EnableVolumetricRays=true EnableProceduralSun=false EnableMist=true RECOMMANDED MODS : ENB doesn't make all the job. Here are a few mods I use. THIS ENB WAS DESIGNED TO WORK WELL WITH THESE MODS. I don't know how it looks like without them. - Climates of Tamriel - Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Pure Waters - Flora Overhaul You should use Static Mesh Improvements too, and any Texture replacer you like :)