No Clapping Allowed! version 1.0 by Skree000 Please endorse if you like! Description: Ever cringe when you see NPCs clapping? Now they will just stand there and stare... cross their arms or just idle. Perfect companion mod for some of the adult mods that cause spectator crowds to assemble. (ie. when you're getting busy, you won't feel like a circus act any longer!) Warning! May cause taverns to feel a little less lively... but it's a fair tradeoff for less golf clap. These files overwrite those located at \skyrim\Data\meshes\actors\character\animations\ using the following filenames: npc_applaud2.hkx npc_applaud3.hkx npc_applaud4.hkx npc_applaud5.hkx instructions: Unpack the included files to your \skyrim folder and it should automatically do the rest. Credits: TheFigment for his HKX to KF converter ( so I could figure out which vanilla anims were the bad ones! Niftools team for NifSkope so I could view the .KF files Bethesda for this awesome game! (except for those silly clap anims lol)