Downloaded from: DESCRIPTION: Amaterasu-ōmikami is a part of the Japanese myth cycle and also a major deity of the Shinto religion. She is the goddess of the sun, but also of the universe. The name Amaterasu derived from Amateru meaning "shining in heaven." (Wiki) REQUIREMENTS: - SkyUI: INSTALLATION: - Install requirements list - Download "Amaterasu - The Great Spirit" - Extract to the Skyrim "Data" folder - Enable ESP in your load order list - Done DEINSTALLATION: - Just remove all related files COMPATIBILITY: - Extensible Follower Framework - This mod does not modify anything, but adds a new content. In most cases you shouldn't get any trouble with another mods. FAQ & TROUBLESHOOTING: Q. Nothing changed after update A. It always been a big head pain for mod-developers and players. Try the following: - completely remove files - then make a new save - [OPTIONAL] clean up your save with "Save cleaner": - install mod files and load the game Q. A follower says "I got somebody following me already", but I don't A. Type in console: "set playerfollowercount to 0" Q. I am a developer and can't compile a scripts A. Download and install Extensible Follower Framework scripts into your ./Skyrim/Data/Scripts and ./Skyrim/Data/Scripts/Sources folders CREDITS, PERMISSIONS and THANKS: - Clover Studio and Capcom for their Ōkami game series - Skyrim developers for a great sandbox - Anyone who makes a buzz, gives a feedback, suggests a new features, and points on issues. Thank you folks - you rock! - You may download the sources, add, modify (mesh, textures, scripts, story, etc.) and re-distribute them as your own project, or contact me if you wish to publish changes here - Please do NOT credit me. RELEASE NOTES: v1.1.3 - 06/17/2016 - Added a version and build details in the settings menu - Fixed an issue with a teleport effect. Now it should not generate a blob behind a main character. In order to remove blob from your current save, you may need to transform yourself into a beast or vampire form. This is the only way known today. Many thanks to Dilwolf for pointing to this bug. - Fixed an issue with a buggy Amaterasu race available under the race selection menu v1.1.2 - 08/31/2014 - Teleport effect got a slight change, and will look a little more esthetic - "Call Amaterasu" shout will trigger a messages. You may disable them in the configuration panel - You can now disable "Call Amaterasu" shout AI option in the configuration panel as well - Particles effect got a huge cleanup work. Though it's still in prototype state - keep it turned OFF, if you don't like it - Compatibility with Extensible Follower Framework - Second loading screen should not be so frequent now - Fixed a text misspell ("Amaterasu" to "Amateru") on the first loading screen - General code cleanups v1.1.0 - 08/24/2014 - "Call Amaterasu" shout has been implemented. Check Amaterasu inventory for a tome - Extra loading screen has been added - Particles effect is now optional and turned off by default - Amaterasu is not overpowered anymore. Although high level players can use a "Power bonus" option to make her stronger again - SkyUI is added as a requrement to support a configuration panel - General fixes and a files cleanup v1.0.0 - 08/19/2014 - Initial upload