====================================================================== ToggleWalkRunFix v0.2 by 4nexus http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58246/? ====================================================================== ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Fix for the bug that the game randomly toggles Walk/Run mode. In other words, it switches on its own between "Walk by [Shift] + [W/A/S/D]" and "Run by [Shift] + [W/A/S/D]", inverts the [Shift] key functionality. Technically, it's not random. This will happen when you enter a dialog or a kill camera starts while holding down the [Shift] key. The game doesn't detect the key release in these cases. For example, you prefer to hold the [Shift] key to walk. ([W/A/S/D] = "Run" and [Shift] + [W/A/S/D] = "Walk") If you start a conversation during walking (holding the [Shift] key), Walk/Run mode will be inverted on leaving the conversation. ([W/A/S/D] = "Walk" and [Shift] + [W/A/S/D] = "Run") You will now have to hold the [Shift] key to run and hit [Caps Lock] to switch back. Some people have mentioned this issue since a long time ago. http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/1014461-walkingrunning-toggle-revert-fix/ http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/489930-toggle-always-run-is-killing-me/ http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Skyrim:Glitches (NPC Dialogue section) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Requirements ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Skyrim 1.9.32 (supports only this version) SKSE 1.7.1 (may work with other versions, but not tested) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Load Order / Compatibility ---------------------------------------------------------------------- There should be no compatibility issues with other mods, so it can be installed in any order. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Install ---------------------------------------------------------------------- NMM or unzip and place a dll file in "Skyrim\Data\SKSE\Plugins" folder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Uninstall ---------------------------------------------------------------------- It doesn't affect your save games. NMM or just delete the file. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q & A ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Q. It's not a bug. You accidentally hit Caps Lock lol. A. No, I didn't. Q. You can fix this by changing bAlwaysRunByDefault in SkyrimPrefs.ini. A. That setting has nothing to do with this. Q. Does this mod affect Frame Rate? A. No, it costs less than 0.01 millisecond per frame. Q. I've bound another to run instead of shift. Does this mod work? A. It usually works unless you bind a mouse button for it. Q. I play the game with a controller. Do I need this mod? A. Generally, controllers don't have this issue, but if you disable the in-game controller handling and use a controller mapping program like XPadder, JoyToKey, etc, this issue may happen because it's the same as playing with a keyboard. Q. What's this mod doing there? A. It stops the game tinkering with walk/run mode and serves as a substitute, getting key input and handling it appropriately. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Change Log ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Version 0.2 Added a fix for another similar issue that the game ignores "Toggle Always Run" key in some situations. Version 0.1 First release. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Permissions ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Not allowed to re-upload nor modify my files in any form. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Credits ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Bethesda Softworks SKSE Team ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Japanese Description 日本語説明 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 歩き/走りの操作方法が意図せず変更されてしまう不具合を修正します。 例えば、デフォルトでは [W/A/S/D] キーで走り、 [Shift] + [W/A/S/D] キーで歩く、という操作になっていますが、 この [Shift] キーを押している最中に、会話を始めたり、 フィニッシュブローのカットシーンが入ると、歩き/走りの操作が勝手に反転し、 [Shift] キーを押しながらでないと走れない ([W/A/S/D] で歩く) 操作に 変更されてしまう問題があります。また同様に、この逆も起こり得ます。