CME Save Guide Slot 1 = Tara Slot 2 = Josie Slot 3 = Lin Slot 4 = Katerina Slot 5 = Mosh Slot 6 = Kale Slot 7 = Summer Instructions: !!!!Remember, these save files only work with ECE so make sure you have ECE installed!!!! ---Place the commonTriRa of your choice in your CME_Save folder (this is probably in your Documents Folders somewhere and NOT in your Skyrim Folder. For example, the path on my PC is: Libraries-->Documents-->My Games-->Skyrim-->CME_save ) ---Load your game and use showracemenu in the console to edit your character (All the girls are base Nord so keep that in mind) ---Select Load Slot, then go passed the presets (if you have them) to the slot files ---Select the number matching the girl of your choice ---Done :) **** Required texture mods to make them look right: SG Female Textures Renewal -- SG Female Eyebrows -- Brows -- Better Females by Bella (eyebrows only) -- Eyes of Beauty -- KS Hairdos - 265 -- (I know, lots of eyebrows in that required list...those are the ones I have installed and I can't remember what I did and didn't use in the CME saves...:-P ) **** Reccomended to make Mosh look like in my screenshots: DreamBurrow Tintmask (I it used for her freckles) -- **** The body I'm using: Dimonized UNP -- **** Armor/Clothes/Weapons Used in Screen Shots: Aradia Kato Ashara Elven Knight Astaroth Horns Redone Brokefoots UNP Mashup Compilation Ghorzas Armor KD Circlets Redone by zzjay West Wind Combat Series Assault Armor West Wind Misfit Mage zzjay's wardrobe Ultimate Assortment by Favoredsoul JaySuS Swords I linkies for this category because I'm lazy :-P All are available on Nexus, so just do a search. **** For the curious... ENB is Stakado Cinemascope Real Preset with the OLD K-ENB's color palette file swapped in. Other major graphics mods in these shots are WATER, ELFX, Tamriel Reloaded, and SMIM I also used Halo's Pinup Poser for the screenshots, which were captured with FRAPPS