Greetings! This is my first mod, and it's absolutely nothing spectacular. Just a quick fix for JKrojmal's excellent JK's Markarth mod when used with Darren83's equally great Dragon Break Episodes 1 and 2 - Bad Wolf and The infinity engine . Specifically, JK's mod adds a bunch of items to the same place as a vital quest location in Darren83's mod. All this small ESP does is disable JK's edits in that specific area. Pretty straightforward, made using TES5Edit. Technically, this ESP only requires JKs Markarth.esp. Nothing in any of the Dragon Break plugins is touched, and this file does not depend on it as a master. That said, why would you use this if you didn't need it? For the technically inclined, this sets the InitiallyDisabled flag for a couple dozen references in JK's Markarth.esp: xx0012E2 xx001FA8 xx001FE3 through xx001FF8 xx001FFB through xx00202B I'm assuming this is permissible because I'm not using any assets from either JK's Markarth or Dragon Break, merely disabling a few references in the former. That said, I will remove this immediately if requested by either mod's author.