Jebbalon's Treasure =================== A Treasure Hunt Mod Current Version 0.95 Requires Dawnguard DLC A treasure hunt that starts with finding the 12 treasure maps and sends you to the Aetherium Forge to craft a key. The Aetherium Key will open a small vault filled with treasure. . . If you can find it! When you find one of the treasure maps around Skyrim (keep the maps, they must be in your inventory) Discover the chest that the map points to and a portal will open nearby. Where the portal was you'll discover a mysterious dwemer box. Take what's inside and you will be on the hunt for my treasure. Once you have found all 12 chests, descend into the Aetherium Forge (which you must unlock first). There you can craft a special key. Treasure Maps - Lost to the Ages - Aetherium Forge quest - "Examine the key closely for hints to finding the location of my treasure vault. The only hint available for finding the vault ... It has an affinity for dwemer ruins. After locating the vault, enter and start collecting your rewards! Be warned though ... after leaving the vault it will be returned to Oblivion along with the key." Luck is on your side though. After looting the vault, if you revisit one of the treasure chests, you may begin a new hunt. :) Download Location ================= Skyrim Nexus - Installation ============ Install using your preferred method. Mod Organizer, NMM, Manually ... There is ESP, BSA, BSL and a Docs folder with this readme. Uninstalling ============ Remove using your preferred method if you must. Delete what you installed. Load Order ========== Use LOOT - - it really shouldn't have problems anywhere in load order. Revision History ================ Version 0.95 - Cleaned up quest objectives after finding the vault. Will make journal a bit tidier when searching for the vault again. - further tweaks to my leveled item list. - Added "copy" to the name of Velehk's Map that I copied Version 0.90 - Added - more loot to the vault via my level item list and chests too - Added - way to get Velehk Sain's map even if you banish him (just step out of room and my box will spawn) Version 0.85 Small update - corrected animation on vault entrance teleporter - made world placement objects persistent to 'clear' the world cell edits - makes little cleaner mod - minor and shouldn't cause issues but may throw log error for updaters. Version 0.8 Initial Release - considered beta - Please report anything and everything regarding the mod. Take screen shots please! Compatible with =============== - everything (let me know if this is not true) (mods that alter the treasure chest locations, will try to accommodate) Including & Recommended Al's Treasure Map Reward - Treasure Maps of Skyrim - Atlas Map Markers - Rustic Silverware - Animated Dwemer Lift Load Doors - Also ==== Sands of Time - OBIS - OBIS Loot - Acknowledgements ================ Bethesda - For making the excellent Elder Scrolls series and also for releasing the CK The Nexus Staff- For putting together a forum for sharing mods and bringing together this community GhostAgent - For creating the logo (at top) and for the description page, design, and graphics Thank you :) Permissions =========== Ask me first to use any assets from this mod. I will not authorize uploads to other sites.