Name: Whitewater Farm Author Brendan62 Version: V1.0 Date: 14/12/2014 Category: Buildings Requirements: Latest Patch Description =========== This is a medium sized Farm near Whiterun not really suitable as player house although it can be used as such. This was designed as eye candy and also a place to house the swift steeds horses Everything in this mod is either modder resources or retex vanilla There are 3 npcs present all with full A1s for working around the farm all can be married and become followers 4 Swift Steeds horses all set to player ownership and free Bugs ==== The usual Skyrim navmesh etc bugs ======== Details ======= Just head towards Windhelm from Whiterun you will see it near the river Map Marker is already enabled Credits Blary for his resources Insanity for his resources available here......... Runrespect for his resources TESA for more resources all available here......... Breti for more resources Little Baron for art frame mesh MJY for more resources Tamira/Stroti for more great resources Fierymarigold For the swift steeds horses If ive left you out please let me know Install ======= 1. Extract the files to a temporary location. 2. Copy files to (install folder)\Skyrim\Data\ You must contact me and obtain my permission before re-packaging any part of this mod. This file is not to be hosted at any site of which im not a member without prior contact. Brendan62