Aim Sensivity UI Author: gh0stwizard Version: 1.07 --------------------------------------- Description --------------------- This mod gives you ability to customization of aim sensitivity for various situations. --------------------------------------- Features --------------------- * Powered by SkyUI (MCM only) * Supporting for mouse and gamepad * Supporting for weapons: bow, crossbow and spells * Supporting for bow modes: weapons ready, arrow attached * Supporting for crossbow modes: weapons ready, bolt ready to shoot * Supporting for dialogs and map * Supporting to set up values with high-precision --------------------------------------- Requirements --------------------- SKSE 1.6.16 or newer SkyUI 4.1 or newer --------------------------------------- Compatibility --------------------- The mod should be compatible with everything. Incompatible with any mods that change sensitivity. But, because this mod has modular system, you may enable or disable some options and find out when multiple mods are working good together. --------------------------------------- Updating --------------------- Just overwrite files (install new version) and continue playing --------------------------------------- Credits --------------------- 1. Sensitive Aiming by Mofakin: great mod, but with hardcoded sensivity value (SKSE-free version). 2. FO3's Aim Sensitivity by polbashkisneslo: perfect mod in my opinion 3. OnAnimationEvent explained: --------------------------------------- Why? --------------------- First of all I prefer to play in Bethesda's games with a gamepad. It gives other feelings, I feel that I am playing in RPG and not in a shooter game (many mods overhauls for FO3 does exactly that bad thing). It gives challenge, my gamepad has not a perfect aiming as mine expensive mouse does with 6400 dpi. But in same time I wish able to turn around fast and to have a better precision when my player character has a bow or crossbow in its hands. For FO3 I've found good mod "Aim Sensivity" and for Skyrim I did not found one which is been good enough for me. In the same time mouse support is still exists, do not worry. So, I did this mod by self. Enjoy! --------------------------------------- How is working --------------------- This mod is automatically finds when you are using gamepad or are not. Skyrim uses different sensitivity values for mouse and gamepad: * fGamepadHeadingSensitivity for a gamepad * fMouseHeadingSensitivity for a mouse The mod is set up sensitivity's value like "Sensitive Aiming" by Mofakin mod does, via Utility.GetINIFloat() and Utility.SetINIFloat() functions. --------------------------------------- Bugs and issues --------------------- Issue #1: If you did not save the game with enabled mod (and you made some sort of own settings) and after that PC is died with bow [crossbow, spell] in its hands, and your default sensitivity will stay the same as was defined at a settings page(s) of this mod. Solution: Save the game before testing [playing] with enabled mod and customize sensitivity settings. Then your default sensivity will stay the same as before. Overwise, you have to set back default sensitivity in the game settings menu. Issue #2: I have to changed a sensitivity in the game settings menu, but seems to be something wrong... Solution: Starting from version 1.06 the mod is suggested to be total replacement to configuring a sensitivity. Set sensitivity inside the mod on "Options" page and everything will be fine. Meantime you should enable/disable gamepad support on SYSTEM -> Settings -> Gameplay in-game menu as usually. --------------------------------------- Installation --------------------- For NMM, MO users: Download, install and activate mod as any other. Follow instructions from p.3 below For all: 1. Unpack the contents of the archive to your "../Skyrim/Data" folder. 2. Check asUI.esp file in mod manager. 3. Run Skyrim via SKSE exe file. 4. Enter to Mod Settings and exit from menu: Esc -> MOD SETTINGS -> TAB -> TAB. 5. Wait 5-10 seconds until you have to received the message "Aim Sensivity UI disabled" at top right corner of a screen. 6. Enter to Mod Settings and customize on your taste. --------------------------------------- Uninstalling --------------------- 1. In Mod Settings disable the mod and wait 5 seconds. 2. Save the game. 3. Disactivate the mod in mod manager. 4. Delete files which mod is containing from "../Skyrim/Data" folder manually (for non-NMM/MO users). --------------------------------------- History --------------------- 1.07 * Completed work on separated settings for mouse/gamepad * Additional minor interface improvenments 1.06 * Configurations for both mouse and gamepad separated * Minor interface improvenments 1.04 * Added supporting when player is talking * Added supporting for a map (incompleted) * Interface update: replace menu options with text ones 1.03 * Improved gamepad/mouse detection * Fixed bug for events "effect finish" when sensitivity has value 0.0 1.02 * Interface was changed, now it is more user-friendly * Minor bugfixes 1.00 * Initial release * Support for mouse and gamepad * Support for bow, crossbow with modes: weapons ready, arrow (bolt) attached * Support for spells with modes: spell ready in either hands