Follower Stats Dialogue by ZHOOL Followers have their own stats, not that you'd know if you are playing vanilla. With this mod, you can just ask them and they'll tell you. Any NPC who is currently willing to follow the player can be queried by selecting 'Tell me about yourself. [Show stats]'. NPCs who may in the future follow the player but won't currently can not. Base stat is followed by current stat in brackets eg Health 150 (89). Note current stat may not update properly until it changes ... which may or may not indicate that the nice gear you got for them isn't always having the desired effect, and not a problem with the mod. Included attributes/skills (also see screenshot): Health, Magicka, Stamina OneHanded TwoHanded Marksman (Archery) Block HeavyArmor LightArmor Sneak Alteration Conjuration Destruction Illusion Restoration Sadly, encumbrance is not included because you can't (mebbe with some extra scripting, but it might not be reliable even then) get current or actual max weight for followers. Other stats like regen weren't really giving meaningful output, and the messagebox size is limited so... this interface will give you some idea how to gear your followers, which is an improvement over no idea. Installation: unzip archive into skyrim\data folder (the .esp goes in \data and the .pex goes in \data\scripts). shouldn't conflict with anything that doesn't change the generic followerdialogue quest (wait here, do something etc). removal won't cause any problems.